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Genus 5.Myosurus.

M. Minimus.Mouse-tail.Fig. 11.

Calyx of 5 sepals elongated at the base. Seed-vessels arranged on a long columnar receptacle. Leaves long and narrow. Fields and waste places. 6 in. Ann. May. Greenish. (½) E.B. 1.435. E.B 2.461. H&Arn.7. Bab 5. Lind 10.

Genus 6. Ranunculus

R. aquatilisWater Crowfoot.Fig. 12.

Lower leaves under water, hair-like; upper ones floating, 3-lobed, sometimes wanting. Ponds, ditches and slow streams. Perenn. May. White (½) E.B. 1.101. E.B 2.795.. H&Arn.7. Bab 6. Lind 12.

R. pantohrix Small Water Crowfoot. Fig. 13.

All the leaves hair-like and submersed. Petals little larger than calyx. Ditches. Perenn. May -Aug. White. E.B. 1.(½). E.B 2.. H&Arn.. Bab 7.?. Lind 12..

R. hederaceus.Ivy-leaved Crowfoot. Fig. 14.

Stem creeping. Leaves glossy, roundish, slightly 3-5-lobed, all floating or spreading. Wet places and shallow pools. Perenn. June-Sept. White, (½) E.B. 1.2003. E.B.2. 796. H.&Arn.. Bab. 8. Lind.' 11.

R. Lingua.Great Spearwort. Fig. 15.

Leaves lanceolate, serrated. Stem erect, many-flowered. Ditches; not common. 2 to 3 ft. Perenn. July. Bright yellow. (½) E. B. 1. 100. E. B. 2. 782. H. & Arn. 9. Bab. 9. Lind. 10.

R. ophiglossifolius. Adder's-tongue Spearwort.Fig. 16.

Lower leaves oval heart-shaped, serrated, with very long foot-stalks. Stem erect, many-flowered. Marshes, Jersey. 2 ft. Perenn. June. Yellow, (½) E. B. Supp. 2833. H. & Arn. 9. Bab. 9.

R. Flammula.Lesser Spearwort.Fig. 17.

Lower leaves ovato-lanceolate, serrated, with long foot-stalks. Stem reclining. Ditches and wet places; common. 1 to 2 ft. Perenn. June-Sept. Yellow, (½) E.B. 1.387. E.B. 2. 783. H.&Arn. 9. Bab. 9. Lind. 10.

R. gramineus.Grass-leavcd Crowfoot.Fig. 18.

All the leaves linear-lanceolate, not serrated. Stem erect, with few flowers. Dry alpine pastures. 1 ft. Perenn. June. Yellow. (½) E. B. 1. 2306. E. B. 2. 784. H. & Arn. 10. Bab. 9. Lind. 10.

R. Ficaria.Small Celandine. Pilewort.Fig. 19.

Leaves heart-shaped. Flowers solitary, with many petals. Roots consisting of clustered tubers. Hedge-banks and shady places; common. 4 to 6 in. Perenn. March and April. Yellow. (½) E. B. 1. 584. E. B. 2. 785. H. & Arn. 10. Bab. 10. Lind. 10.

R. Alpesteris.Alpine Crowfoot.Fig. 20.

Lower leaves in 3 deep, lobed segments. Stem-leaf lanceolate. Flowers solitary. Moist places on mountains ; rare. Acrid. 6 in. Perenn. May. White, (½) E. B. 1. 2390. E. B. 2. 786. H. & Arn. 9. Bab. 9. Lind. 10.