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The World Commission on Environment and Development was created as a consequence of General Assemb13, resolution 38/161 adopted at the 38th Session of the United Nations in the fall of 1983. That resolution called upon the Secretary General to appoint the Chairman and Vice, Chairman of the Commission and in turn directed them to jointly appoint the remaining members. at least ball of whom were to be selected from the developing world. The Secretary General appointed Mrs, Gro Harlem Brundtland of Norway. then leader of the Norwegian Labour Party, as Chairman and Dr. Mansour Khalid, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs from Sudan, as Vice-Chairman. They together appointed the remaining members of the Commission.

The Commission has functioned as an independent body. All its members have served he Commission in their individual apacities, not as representatives of their governments. The Commission has thus been able to address any issues, to solicit any advice, and to formulate and present any proposals and recommendations that it considered pertinent and relevant.

In pursuing its mandate, the commission has paid careful attention to the Terms of Reference suggested by the General assembly in Resolution 38/161 and has operated in close collaboration with the Intergovernmental Inter-sessional Preparatory Committee of the Governing Council of the UN Environment Programme. which ha itself been preparing an intergovernmental report on environmental perspectives to the year 2000 and beyond. After the Commission's report has been discussed by UNEP's Governing Council, it is to be submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations for its consideration during its and Session in the fall of 1987.

The Commissioners


Gro Harlsm Brundtland. Norway. Prime Minister. Parliamentary Leader of the Labour Party 1981 86, Member of Parliament from 1977, Minister of Environment 1974-79, Associate Director Oslo School Health Services 1968-74.


Mansour Khalid, Sudan. Deputy }'rime Minister 1975, Minister of Education 1975-76, President. UN Security Council 1972, Minister of Foreign Affairs 1971.75, Minister of Youth and Social Affairs 1969-71.
