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NAK KUJ. Zit or ewyn enterit come that bur office, Dheyand thir bílchoppis, and bydand tham by, Gret Oaneris on ground, in gudly awys, That war demyt, but dowt, denys deuchty ; Thaj war relidence raith, and airly will ryſe To kepe the college cleine, and the clergye. The Cok in his cleir cape, that crawis and cryis, Was choſyn chauntour full cheif in the channonry. Thar come the Curlewe a clerk, and that full cunnand, Chargit as chancillar, For he couth wryte wounder fair, With his neb for mistar, Apon the le fand. XU33 Apon the land zit 3 ſawe, as theſaurer tane, With grene almous on hed, fchir Gawane the Drak; The archedene, that ourman, ay prechand in plane, Corveker of kirkmen was clepit the Claik. Che Wartoune, the murcoke, the apyreſnype in ane, Lichtit, as lerit men, law by that laike. The Ravyne, rolpand rudly in a roche ran, Was dene rurale to reid, rank as a raike : Duhill the lardnir was laid, held he na hous; Bot in wplandis townis, at vicaris and perſounis, for the procuraciounis, Eryand full crows.