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XLJI. Be this retoun we reid, and as our Roy levit, The Dowglas in armes the bludy hart beris ; for it, bled he his blud, as the bill brevit : And in batallis full braid, vnder baneris, Throw full chevalrus chance he this hert chevit, Fra walyit wyis, and wicht, worthy in weris ; wony galiard gome was on the ground levit, Duhen he it flang in the feld, felloun of feris, Syne teſkewand it agane the hethin mennis harmes. This hert red to behald, Throw thír rellonis ald, The bludy hart it is cald, Jn Dowglas armes. XLIIJ. The fternis of ane nothir ftrynd feris ſo fair, Ane callit Murray, the riche lord of renovnis, Deit, and a douchter had till his deir air, Diff all his trellour vntald, towris and townis : The Dowglas in thaj dayis, douchty all quhar, Archebald the honorable in habitaciounis, Weddit that wlonk wicht, worthy of ware, With rent and with riches ; and be thaj rellonis he bure the ſternis of etait in his ftele weidis ; Blyth, blomand, and bricht, Throw the Murrayis micht: And ſa throw Goddis forſicht, The Dowglas fuccedis.