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L. Than rerit thic Mecizeonis that mountis ſo hie, furth borne bacheleris bald on the bordouris ; Bufardis, and Beldkytis, as it mycht be, Soldfouris and Cumptermen to thaj ſenzeouris. The Pitill and the Pype Gled cryand pewewe Befor thir princis ay palt, as pert purviouris, For thaj couth chewis chikinnis, and perches pultre, To cleke fra the commonis, as kyngis caytouris ; Syne hufe hover, and behald the herbery place. Robyn Redbrelt nocht ran, Bot raid as a henſman ; And the litill we Wran That wretchit dorche was. LJ. That was the haraldis fa the hobby but fable, Stanchalis, fteropis, frecht to thaj ftern lordis, With alkyn officeris in erd, awenand and able ; So mekle was the multitud no mynd it remordis. Thus allemblit thir ſegis, ſyris ſenzeourable, All that war fowlis of reif, the richt quha recordis, For the Temperalite tretit in table, The ftern Empríouris ſtyle thus faitly reftord is. The pape, and the patriarkis, prelatis, J wilt, Welcummit thaím wynly, but weit, With haly ſermonis ſeir, Pardoun, and prayer, And blythly tham blift.