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Lju. Denys, and digniteis, as J eir dempt, Scutiferis, and ſqwyeris, and bachilleris blyth : 3 pres nocht all to report ; ze hard thaimn erpremit; Bot all war merſchalit to meit meikly and myth : Syne ſeruit ſemely in faile, forfuth as it ſemyt, With all curis of coſt that cukis couth kyth. In fleſche tyme, quhen the fifche war away flemyt, Duga was ftewart bot the Stork, itallwart and tyth : Syne all the lentryne but leis, and the lang reid, And als in the adwent, The Soland ftewart was ſent ; For he couth fro the firmament fang the fifche deid. LU. The Boytour callit was cuke, that him weile kend In craftis of the ketchyne, cofilyk of curis. many fawouris fals with ſewaris he fend, And confectionis on force that philik furth furis. mony man metis, gif 3 fuld mak end, Jt neidis nocht to renewe all thar naturis ; Duyar fic ftatis will teir, thar tylis till olend, Ze wait all worſchip and welth dayly induris. Syne, at the myddis of the meit, in come the menftralis, The mavis and the merle fyngis, Düllis, and Stirlingis, The blyth Lark that begynnis, and the dychtingales.