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LXXUJ. Think how bair thow was borne, and bair ay will be, For oucht that ſedis, of thj ſelf in ony ſetloun ; Thy cude, thy claithis, nor thi coſt, cummis nocht of the, Bot of the frute of the erd, and Godis fuſoun: Duhen ilk thing has the awne, Cuthly we ſe, Thy nakit cors bot of clay, a foule carioun, batit, and hawles; quhar of art thow hie? We cum pure, we gang pure, baith king and commoun. Chat luu ttttle thẻ tíclituÍg, thí toning fall nette, Thus ſaid the bowlat on hicht: Now God for his gret micht, Set our ſawlis in licht DE ſanctis fo Cere! LEXUJJ. Thus for ane Dow of Dunbar drew this Dyte, Dowit with ane Dowglas ; and boith war thaj dowis : In the foreſt forſaid, frely parfyte, DE Terneway, tendit and tryde, quho fo tratt trowis. Wlar my wit as my will, than fuld wele wryte ; Bot gif 3 lak in my leid, that nocht till allow is, ze wyſe, for your worſchipe, wryth me no wyte: JRow blyth ws the blitt barne, that all berne bowis be len ws lyking and lyf euerlattand ! In mirthkull moneth of May, In myddis of Murraye, Thus on a tyme be Teenboy, Happinnit DOLLAND.