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APPENDIX. 3 St. xLvII. 1. 1, Als hieast;' 1. 3, in a port;' 1. 5, the rouch busteous bair ;' 1.7, saw I nevair ;' 1.8, wechis;' 1. 10, so feidfull.' St. xlix. 1. 1, the tend;' 1.4, in feir landis ;' 1. 6, off his ;' 1. 8, º to my mater.' St. L. 1.1, Merlionis ;' 1. 4, subject men ;' 1. 5, cryand pewé ;' 1. 6, as pairt of' 1. 13, that wretchit dwerch was.' St. L. 1. 6,"quha richtly recordis ;' 1.9, the prelatis ;' 1.10, thame wysalie.' St. LII. 1. 12, wes the arras.' St. Lu. 1. 7, cardinalis all.' St. Liv. I. 1, as are ;' 1. 9, but les.' St. Lv. 1. 3, sawouris sawce ;'# 1. 4, of force ;'# 1. 5, mane metis ;' 1. 8, welth and worschip: St. Lvi. 1. 1,' in ane;' 1. 5, and salue.' St. LVII. 1. 1, 'bod wird ;' 1. 8, altare;' 1. 13, fra feindis.' St. Lvii. l. 12, 'flece of St. Lix. 1.1, thai lofe ;' 1. 7, the cithill ;' 1. 8, dulset and ;' 1. 11, Por- tatisis ;' 1. 12, Symbaclanis.' St. Lx. 1. 1, a schour;' 1. 4, with cantelis ;' 1. 13,' a man. St. LXI. 1. 2, 'Corncraik;' 1. 3, 'poyndit ;' 'pryndfald ;' 1. 4, 'becaus thai ;' 1. 9, 'jupceis.' St. LXI. 1. 3, dynydeach ;' 1. 4, ryve ;' 1. 5, Misch makmory ach mach mountir ;' 1.8, are the,' and the Erchrye.' St. LXII. 1. 5, barde wox;' 1. 8, as tratour ;' l. 9, rywe;' 1. 10,' than the dene rurale worth reid.' St. Lxiv. 1. 2, the Tuquheit;' 1. 5, fylit him.' St. Lxv. 1. 3, fra his heid;' 1. 9, : lycht in lyne;' 1. 12, "kissit syne.' St. LxvI. 1. 1, athillis ;' 1. 9, present to.' St. LxvI. 1. 2, that kennit;'£ 1. 8, penitent.' St. LxvII. I. 4,' to reasoun;' 1. 8, or I mair ;' 1. 11,'haue pete.' St. LxIx. 1. 2, "lent the ;' 1. 4, federein;' 1.5,' and gane;' 1.7, was the ;' 1. 12, "fro Byron. St. Lxx. 1.7, with the Pape;' 1.12, rebaleis.' St. Lxx. 1. 2, consignage;' 1.9, fetherein ;' 1. 8, viciit;' 1. 13, so hau- tane.' St. Lxx. 1. 1, "impertinax;' 1. 4, that with that lady allyt ;' I. 8,'hau- tane.' St. LXXII. 1. 4, till thy self;' 1. 8, and schortly :'1.9, and to ;' 1. 11, and gane.' St. Lxxiv. I. 4, bailfully ;' 1.8, and sorowit ;' 1. 10, bysym.' St. Lxxv. 1.1,wretch wayest ;' 1. 2, 'in will ;' 1.5, was of hewit;' 1.7, the lathest;'1. 8, mek zour ;' 1. 9, prelettis of pryde. Asloane's MS. has prencis, or princis,' repeated. St. Lxxvi. 1. 3, claithis, thi cost;' 1.7, hafles ;' 1. 11, 'thy gret.' St. LXXVII. 1. 4, Terway;' 1.6, gif lak;' 1. 12, thus in.'