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Chapter 1.—An Act concerning the public archives, 45
Chapter 2.—An Act to create the office of State Printer, and define his duties, 45
Chapter 3.—An Act in relation to the appointment of Pilots for the different ports and harbors of San Francisco, 46
Chapter 4.—An Act concerning the office of Comptroller, 47
Chapter 5.—An Act concerning the office of State Treasurer, 48
Chapter 6.—An Act concerning the office of Secretary of State, 49
Chapter 7.—An Act for fixing the time for Acts and Joint Resolutions to take effect, 51
Chapter 8.—An Act creating the office of State Translator, 51
Chapter 9.—An Act prescribing the mode of receiving, keeping, and paying out the Public Funds, 51
Chapter 10.—An Act creating a Temporary State Loan, 53
Chapter 11.—An Act concerning the office of Attorney-General, 53
Chapter 12.—An Act authorizing the Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, Surveyor-General, and Attorney-General, to rent offices, and procure the necessary office furniture for their respective offices, 56
Chapter 13.—An Act appropriating money out of the general fund to defray the expenses of the Government of the State of California, 56
Chapter 14.—An Act to organize the Supreme Court of California, 57
Chapter 15.—An Act subdividing the State into Counties and establishing the Seats of Justice therein, 58
Chapter 16.—An Act concerning the revenue, funds, expenditure, and property of the State, and management thereof, 63
Chapter 17.—An Act defining the amount of revenue to be collected to defray the expenses of the Government of the State of California for the year eighteen hundred and fifty, 65
Chapter 18.—An Act to establish Pilots and Pilot Regulations for the Port of San Francisco, 65
Chapter 19.—An Act authorizing a loan on the faith and credit of the State to pay the expenses of the Civil Government thereof, 69
Chapter 20.—An Act to incorporate Sacramento City, 70
Chapter 21.—An Act concerning the Official Bonds of Officers, 74
Chapter 22.—An Act authorizing the Clerk of the Supreme Court to rent a court-room in the City of San Francisco, 76
Chapter 23.—An Act to supersede certain Courts and to regulate Appeals therefrom to the Supreme Court, 77
Chapter 24.—An Act to provide for holding the first County Election, 80
Chapter 25.—An Act concerning the Salaries of Officers, 83
Chapter 26.—An Act defining the duties of State Printer and fixing his compensation, 83
Chapter 27.—An Act supplementary to an "Act to provide for holding the first County Election," 85
Chapter 28.—An Act for the remuneration of Charles White for money advanced to Caleb Lyons to furnishing the design and making the Great Seal of the State, 85
Chapter 29.—An Act regulating the duties of Harbor-Master of the Port of San Francisco, and fixing his duties, 85
Chapter 30.—An Act to provide for the Incorporation of Cities, 87
Chapter 31.—An Act to regulate the Interest of Money, 92
Chapter 32.—An Act to provide for the early publication of the Laws of California, 92
Chapter 33.—An Act to organize the District Courts of the State of California, 93
Chapter 34.—An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled "An Act to Incorporate Sacramento City", 96
Chapter 35.—An Act creating and regulating Public Ferries, 97
Chapter 36.—An Act empowering the Governor to appoint Commissioners of Deeds, and defining the duties of such officers, 100
Chapter 37.—An Act declaring certain Rivers, Creeks, and Sloughs herein named navigable, 100
Chapter 38.—An Act to regulate Elections, 101
Chapter 39.—An Act concerning the office of County Attorney, 112
Chapter 40.—An Act concerning the office of District Attorney, 112