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and Burnt; The Result; Depredations About Lecompton; Orders to Destroy Topeka; Topeka Boys on a March; Colonel Harvey's Men at Slough Creek; Demonstrations Before Lecompton; Release of Prisoners; Barbarites at Leavenworth; Reign of Terror Complete; Release of Free State Prisoners.. 377-394


Governor Geary-Governor Geary's Appointment-His Biography; Pro-Slavery Men Dissatisfied; Their Address; Their Design; Governor's Arrival and What he Saw; His Inaugural; Orders the Militia to Disband; Force about Lawrence; Panic at Lecompton; Affray at Hickory Point,; Sketch of Captain Whipple's Life; Arrest of Harvey's Men; Their Trial; The Forces Around Lawrence.; Visit of the Governor; the "Militia." 395-401


THEt Cortn TS-Territor;.i ( ourts; Judge Cato; IMurder of Buff m; Eff,'::i; to Atrrept the Murderert and Bri ei. irn to Jestice; Lite aad 0iharac;-r oi Jiadle L —compte; Geary seeks to Artuise the Judlge to a Sanse of Duty; Rsiuses Troopsi to M iake Arrests... 407-412


LANE'S: NORTHERtN A.MY-Emigra ion Gathers in Iwwa; Its Character; First Compayv'hrou.: h; Opening the Way; The Armay; Efforts to Cheie thils Emizration; Redpe-th's Company; Deputtion C, Ills oin' tLh Governor; Pameroy and Eldridge's Company; The Governor's Account; Geary's Prejudices.......... 413-421

(CAPTER XXXIX-1856-57.

PE.ACE —AaREST OF THE FREE STATE LEGISLATURE-R-eign of Peace; D strurbancs -at Leavenworth Stopped; Territorial Troops; Election for Dilegate to Congress; Governor's Tour; Troubles iai 1Botbern Kansa; Genertous Offer of Vermont; Theaiy,:s flyatt's Scheme; Geary's Administration; Peace Efforts; St.ate Legisiature Aserolbies; Resignation of Robinson; Iils ExTlanation; Sheriff Jones' Scheme; ioembers Arrested............ 422-427


T ERR1TORIA, LEGISLATUREv -Territorial Legislature Con venes; Obj'ctionable Acts; Qlarrels with the Governor; William'. Sherrard; Cansoe of the Dificnity; Shrrard Assails Jones and others; Ofi':rs Tndignities to'ibe tGoverror; Efforts to Censure Sherrard; Indifference of.Jude Cato; Indignation Meetines; One at lecorrpton; Rtesolutious; Sherrard l(iled; Nitional )ernocratic Party ot Kransas Territory; Death of RichardAl:; Treasurer's Report; Geary Forsaken; i presentatives at Washington; Geary Resigns; Flees from the Territory; Parallel Bet een Reeder and Geary; New Appointments.................. 428-440


QUESTION OF VOTING FOR DELEGATES TO THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION-Life of Hon. R. J. Walker; Object of.His Appointment; Sketch of Hon. F. P. Stanton's Lile; Arrival of the Latter;t Lecompton, Their Policy; Fre Staoe Man lacredulous; Vote for Calling the State Convention; Provis