Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/871

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Chronological Table. 839 1836 Texas declares itself independent. "Gag" rule adopted in House of Representatives. Van Buren elected President. 1837 Michigan admitted. Canadian rebellion. The Caroline affair. 1839 The "Liberty" party formed. 1840 " Log-cabin" agitation. Harrison elected President. 1841 Death of President Harrison. Tyler becomes President. Dorr Rebellion in Rhode Island. 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty. Fremont's explorations towards the Pacific. 1844 Polk elected President. Triumph of the Democrats. 1845 Texas admitted into the Union. Florida admitted. 1846 War with Mexico. Battle of Palo Alto. Wilmot's Proviso introduced and defeated. Iowa admitted. Treaty with Great Britain (Oregon). 1847 Battle of Buena Vista. Occupation of Mexico. Calhoun's resolutions (slavery). 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo cedes New Mexico, California, and Texas to the United States. Wisconsin admitted. " Hunkers" and "Barn-burners." Free-soil party formed. Discovery of gold in California. Taylor elected President. 1850 Clay's Plan of Compromise passed. "Squatter Sovereignty" proclaimed. Death of Calhoun. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. Death of President Taylor. Fillmore becomes President. 1852 Rise of the "Know-Nothing" Party. Pierce elected President. Defeat of the Whigs. Deaths of Clay and Webster. 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act passed, providing for creation of territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Struggle in Kansas. New Republican party formed. 1856 Buchanan elected President. 1857 The "Dred Scott" decision. 1859 John Brown's Raid. 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected President Republicans in power till 1884. The Southern States, led by South Carolina, secede from the Union. 1861 First blow in the Civil War struck at Fort Sumter. Virginia joins the confederate South. Lee made Commander-in-Chief. Defeat of the Federals at Bull Run. 1862 The Seven Days' Battles. Second defeat of the Federals at Bull Run. Battle of Antietam. Grant in Tennessee. Farragut on the Mississippi. Fight between the Merrimac and the Monitor. Fall of New Orleans. Lincoln issues Proclamation of Emancipation. Lee invades Maryland. Battle of Fredericksburg. 1863 Final decree of emancipation. Battle of Chancellorsville. Death of Stonewall Jackson. Lee invades Pennsylvania. Battle of Gettysburg. Capture of Vicksburg. Surrender of Port Hudson. Battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga. Conscription law passed by Congress. 1864 Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania. Sherman's Raid. Capture of Atlanta. Battle of Nashville. Capture of Savannah. Early threatens Washington, but retires. Naval battle in Mobile Bay. Lincoln re-elected President. Capture of Wilmington. 1865 Fall of Richmond. Lee surrenders at Appomattox. End of the War. Assassination of Lincoln. Johnson becomes President. Thirteenth Amendment adopted. 1866 Proclamation of peace and order in the United States. 1867 Reconstruction Acts passed by Congress. Alaska purchased from Russia by the United States.