Page:Canadian Alpine Journal I, 2.djvu/221

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Report of Librarian


There are now forty-two books and fifteen minor publications in the Library, besides seven volumes (1894-1907) of the Alpine Journal, the official organ issued quarterly by the English Alpine Club. This shows an increase over last year of thirty- two volumes. Of the whole forty-two, twenty-five were acquired by gift.

Exchanges have been made with: The English Alpine Club, the Scottish Mountaineering Club, the American Alpine Club, the Appalachian Club, the Sierra Club, the Mazama Club and the Smithsonian Institution. The English Alpine Club, also, presented the Library with the seven volumes of "The Alpine Journal" mentioned, and the Sierra Club of San Francisco with Vol. V and Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of Vol. VI. A complete set of the former publication may be had through a second-hand book seller in London for one hundred and twenty-seven dollars ($127.00). The price will increase as the Journal becomes more difficult to obtain every year. The matter of securing it for our Library will come before the Club at the Annual Meeting.

At a meeting of the Executive Committee the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) was voted for the purchase of some rare books, dealing with the early history of the Rocky Mountains, and Mr. Wheeler was able to secure fourteen volumes while in London attending the Alpine Jubilee. The most important of those purchased were: Sir Alexander Mackenzie's very rare Journal; Sir George Simpson's "A Trip Round the World," and Ross Cox's valuable book. We have a dealer on the lookout for a complete copy of Palliser's Journal.

Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of the Club library; and no reasonable opportunity should be lost, whereby we can obtain works of value dealing with mountains and mountaineering, on historical, scientific or aesthetic lines. We hope that the members will be loyal and help to extend the book-shelves. Soon, we also hope, it will have permanent shelter in the Club House.


The Selkirk Range, Vol. I and II A. O. Wheeler Mr. Wheeler

Dent's Mountaineering Dent Mr. Mitchell

The House of Sport Composite Authorship Mr. Mitchell

From Old to New Westminster Sir Sandford Fleming Sir S. Fleming

Climbing in the Himalayas J. Norman Collie Dr. Collie

Climbs and Explorations in the Canadian Rockies Collie and Stutfield Dr. Collie