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General Lists of Works. BIOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Annstraig'a (B. J.) Life and Letten. Edited by a. F. Amutrancr. Fop. Svo. U.9d, Bmoh'i Llito fund Letten, by Bpedding. 7 vole. 8to. £4. if. Beeehof a Biognpbloal Stadiea. IyoLSto. 11«. Biirdett*8 Prince* PriDcees, and People : the Pnblio Life and Works of TJLH. the Prince and Princess of Wales. 8yo. 21«. Oarlyle'i (Mra.) Letten and Memoriala. 8 vols. Sra 86«. Glavers, the Despot's Champion. By A Southern. Crown 8vo. 7*. 6d. BngUsh WortUea. Bdlted by Andrew Lang. Grown Sro. each Is, sewed; U, 6d. cloth. Ohariea Darwin. BvQrant Allen. Bhafteebory (The lint Barl). By H. D. TraiU. Admiral Blake. By Darid Hannay. Marlboroagh. By 0«o. Baintsbnry. Steele. By Austin Dobaon. Ben Jonson. By J. A. Symonda. George Canning. By Frank H. Hill. Olaverhouse. By Mowbray Morxia. Vox (Ctbarles Jamea^ The Barly History of . By Sir Q. 0. Trevelyan. Or.8TO.6j. Froade*8 Oassar : a Sketch. Grown 8yo. Zs. ed. HamHton'a (Sir W. B.) Life, by Gravea. 3 vols. 8to. 1B«. eaoh. Hayelook'a Life, by Marahman. Grown 8vo. 8«. Bd, Jenkln*a (Fleeming) Papen, Literary, Boientiflo, &c With Memoir by B. L. Stevenson. 8 vols. 8to. 92t. Laughton's Studies in Naval History. 8vo. lOs. 6d, Maoanlay'a (Lord) Life and Letten. By his Nephew, Sir G. 0. Trevelyan, Bart Popular Edition, 1 vol. cr. 8vo. Ss. Sd, Student's Edition, 1 vol. cr. 8vo. Bt. Cabinet Edition. 8 vols, post 8vo. 18«* Libraiy Edition, S vols. 8vo. 36«. McDougall*s Memoirs (Bishop of Labuan). By C. J. Bunyon. 8vo. 14<. Mendelssohn's Letters. Translated by Lady Wallace. 8 vols. or. 8vo. At. each. M1Uler*a (Max) Biographical Essays. Grown 8vo. 7«. 6d. Newman's Apologia pro Vit& SuA. Grown 8va 6<. Fasteur (Lonla) Hia Life and Labours. Crown Sva 7<. 6d. Shakespeare, OatUne of the Life of. By J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Illustrated. 8 vols, royal 8vo. 21*. Shakespeare's True Life. By James Walter. With 500 Illustrations. Imp.8vo.21«. Bouthey'a Correapondenoe with Caroline Bowles. 8vo. 14«. Stephen's Basaya in Bodesiaatical Biography. Grown 8vo. 7«. 6A Vignolea* (C. B.) Life. By his Son. 8vo. 18*. WelUngton'a Life, bv Gleig. Grown 8vo. Bs. MENTAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, FINANCE, «cC. Adam^ Pnblio Debta ; an Easay on the Scienoe of Finance. 8vo. 12«. Bd. Amos' View of the Sdenoe of Jurlsprndenoo. 8vo. 18«. — Primer of the English Constitution. Grown 8vo. 6«. Baoon's Baaays, with Annotationa by Whately. 8vo. 10«. Bd, -. Works, edited by Spedding. 7 vols. 8vo. 78«. 64. BagehotPa Boonomio Studiea, edited by Hutton. 8vo. 10«. Bd. Bain's Logic, Deductive and Inductive. Grown 8vo. lOt, Bd. Pabt L Deduction, it, I Pabt n. Induction. Bt, Bd' — Mental and Moral Science. Grown Svo. lOf. 6d. — The Senses and the Intelleot. 8vo. 16*, — The Emotions and the WiU. 8vo. 16«. Bamett's Praotioable Socialism. Grown 8vo. 2t, Bd. LONGMANS, GBEEN, & CO., London and New York.