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but there are hundreds of other instances. The thing is all so clear that when a workingman once sees it he is with the Socialist party, first, last and always.

Do you remember, Bill, when we played football, that old cross-play we used to fool the other teams? They thought the ball was going one way when it was going another. Well, that cross-play has been used on the American workingman over and over again by the Republican and Democratic parties. At elections, each side generally puts up two nice men who believe in the same nice things. The voters have a guessing contest to find out which of the two is the nicer man.

Get next to these facts: The Democratic party is not the workingman's party. We had hard times under the Democrats. The Republican party is not the workingman's party. Three million desperate, hungry men are out of work in this country now, and every one of them is after your job if he can get it. And you may be next. The way things are now, you can't swear that next month you will be safe at work, getting steady pay. You are not sure, and nobody else is.

The Republicans and Democrats in Congress could help out on this terrible problem of work for every man who wants work. But the truth is that the Republicans and Democrats are really one party. They all belong to the same gang and vote the same way, in favor of the millionaires and against the working class, on important bills. They make a good many bluffs,