Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/157

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ing to Nan as it was real. She was jealous—jealous of the girl from the Longhom bosque! It was no easy matter to greet them without constraint when a little later they rode up to the bars.

"Why, ain't you going!" he asked in surprise.

"I hadn't thought of it," she replied coolly.

"I supposed of course you'd be ready," he said in a disappointed tone.


Ben had an uncomfortable feeling that some how he had blundered.

Edith with feminine intuition understood.

"We planned to stop for you as soon as we decided to come." She emphasized the "we" elaborately.

Edith really liked Nan as Nan liked her, but on the impulse of the moment she could not resist the temptation to patronize Nan who had unconsciously given her so many wretched hours.

Nan's long eyelashes lay for just an instant on her cheek. But her eyes were enigmatic enough when she raised them squarely to Edith's and said sweetly: