Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/21

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serve the conventions. I—I'm stunted—that's what I am!"

"Stunted!" The "prep" brother rolled his eyes and Mr. Galbraith smiled in spite of himself.

"Any way," Nan continued determinedly, "I'm twenty-one now and thanks to grandmother I have money enough to do as I like."

Her father considered her gravely.

"Do you really mean. Nan, that you would do this thing against the wishes of your mother and myself?"

"I'm sorry to be horrid, father, but I positively have made up my mind. I've been dreaming about it and planning it a long, long time. I won't disgrace you, truly I won't, if you'll just trust me. You must give me credit for being frank. I'm not going to tie the sheets together and slide down or anything like that—I won't sneak away."

Mrs. Galbraith lifted her veil that she might weep without melting the chenille spots while Elsie ejaculated vehemently:

"Well, I should hope not! It's bad enough to have it whispered around, as no doubt it