Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/232

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And in due season Ospino reported the conversation, with the additional information that Blakely and Ben seemed everywhere at once. A discouraging state of affairs, he declared plaintively, for a hard-working thief who was paid on a percentage basis.

Kansas Ed corroborated the Mexican's story of their vigilance, and Spiser fumed. He had no notion of being thwarted and outwitted—it was demoralizing to his self-respect.

"There's more ways than one of killing a cat, Kansas."

"Cats is my speci-ality," Kansas grinned.

The reports of the annoyances, petty and otherwise, to which Nan was now subjected in Las Rubertas were some gratification to Spiser, but not enough to satisfy him.

He wanted to hit her harder, and to this end he was willing to take long chances.