Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/245

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want our objections noted, because, of course, we'll appeal this case if the verdict is against us."

The judge brought the ax-handle down with a resounding thwack.

"Order! That's pure sass, young man. No verdict of this here court was ever set aside yet. When a cattle-thief gets a sentence here he does time.

"Emanuel Armijo and Antonio Estrada, come forward and fill up the bench. Five jurors are enough on this case."

"Five jurors like those are enough on any case," Bob observed significantly, and another burst of laughter evidenced the spectators' appreciation of his meaning.

The judge reached for the pitcher and drank long and deep.

"Ah-h-h!" The rasping sound was beginning to bring an exchange of suspicious glances in the court-room.

"Gennelmen"—the judge swung the plush chair toward the self-conscious jury who looked uncommonly like a row of jailbirds—"this is a serious case what is up before us to-day, and one with which we have no man-