Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/250

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"Just a moment, if you please. Not quite all there is to it, Mr. Spiser. If you will try, you may recall the fact that at the time you discharged Evans he reported having come upon your present foreman in the act of burning a brand on one of Blakely's cows."

"He did not report it," returned Spiser coolly.

Bob's restraining hand upon Ben's arm kept him in his seat.

"No?" Bob's tone was polite inquiry. "But if I should tell you that he did see your present foreman in the act of burning a brand, that I also was a witness, you would, of course, discharge him?"

Spiser replied with heat:

"That's my business."

"What—rustling?" And again the courtroom snickered at Bob's audacity.

"I appeal to the court." Spiser turned furiously upon his honor. "I didn't come up here to be insulted!"

"Tha'sh right!" The judge endeavored to rap for order, but missed the plank and brought the ax-handle down smartly upon his knee-cap. "Ouch! Tha'sh right! Can't no