Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/61

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Remembering Poth's vague threat, she felt a growing uneasiness as to their treatment if the remainder of the program was no better than the beginning.

A hollow cough, which came at intervals from somewhere in the rear of the curtained stage, now served as an announcement of the next entertainer's appearance. He came on with an attempt at jauntiness, the emaciated invalid of the afternoon, looking more pitifully gaunt than before in the clownish dress of a countryman.

A raucous voice from the rear of the room greeted him.

"Hello, Boneyards! When did they dig you up?"

The audience snickered, and Nan saw the startled flash of pain in his sunken eyes. His long fingers closed convulsively as he nerved himself to face them, and then, with a gulp of nervousness he began his monologue of ancient conundrums and jokes, not too skilfully revamped.

But far-fetched and venerable as they were they brought laughter and vociferous applause from the boisterous critics in front,