Page:Caroline Lockhart--The full of the Moon.djvu/84

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great show of gallantry. He seemed curiously gay and elated, she thought.

Nan looked in annoyance at a wine-glass set conspicuously before her plate. Was it not possible for him to see that her position was sufficiently uncomfortable without that? She turned her glass with a little more vigor than necessary. That sparkle Spiser liked leaped into her eyes.

"What—no wine?"

Nan replied coldly:

"No wine."

The cook glanced at her oddly as he placed platters upon the table.

"I'm sure you'll change your mind," Spiser replied, unruffled. "I always keep a little out here on the ranch for celebrations," he added. "Clarence, fill Miss Galbraith's glass."

This time Nan's eyes flashed unmistakably.

"Positively not," and she lifted her small hand in a decided negative.

Spiser shrugged his shoulders.

"Suit yourself. That'll be all, Clarence, we won't want anything more to-night."

"But your sister," Nan looked at him