Page:Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library.djvu/25

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N. Y., Funk & Wagnails Co., 1895 $1
A book for girls, the key to the purpose of which is given in the title.
N. Y., Doubleday, McClure Co., 1898 $1
The author has written for the average boy, who distrusts himself, and who needs to be shown that the race is not always to the swift.


Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co, 1886 $1.25
The author has brought together in this volume, in ordered and systematic shape, the social philosophy which for some years he has expounded in magazine articles, lectures, etc.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1890 $1.25
This work is a consideration of nature and humanity as an unfolding of the divine life. A view in which Christ takes the central place.
N. Y., Funk, Wagnails & Co., 1895 $1.50
Thirty-one sermons which will bring inspiration and comfort to the friends of Christ.
Bost., 1893 $1.50
A volume of helpful sermons which have been delivered at various times by the author during the course of his regular week day and Sunday work.
Bost., D. Lothrop & Co., 1891 75c
Very scarce are the books which are so lucid, forceful and thorough, and at the same time interesting, as this volume.
Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1893 $1.25
The thoughts in these sermons are not of one or two doctrines ; but rather of the trend and movement of the times in religion.
N. Y., Button & Co., 1893 $1.25
These discourses represent an earnest man's effort to make the gospel more credible and potent in his own generation.