Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/95

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"Histoire LitWraire de la France," for the "De re Diplomatica " and L'art de verifier les dates", for "L'antiquit^ expliqu^e et represents" and the ' ' Pateographia G rsca " , f or the " Recueil des historiens des Gaules ", the " Veterum scriptorum ampHssima col- lectio", the "Thesaurus Anecdotorum ", the"Spicile- gium veterum scriptorum", the "Museum ItaHcum", the " Voyage htteraire ", and numerous other works that are the fountlation of modern historical and liturgical studies. For nearly two centuries the great works that were the result of the foresight and high ideals of Doin Gr^goire Tarisse, were carried on with an industry, a devotion, and a mastery that aroused the admiration of the learned world. To this day, all who labour to elucidate the past ages and to under- stand the growth of Western Christendom, must ac- knowledge their indebtedness to the Maurist Congre- gation.

The following were the monasteries of the Maurist Congregation in the latter half of the eighteenth cen- tury: — •

(1) Province of France. — Diocese of Amiens: Corbie, St-Fuscien-a\ix-Bois,St-Josse-sur-mer, St. Riquier, St- Valery. — Diocese of Beauvais: Breteuil-sur-Noye, St- Lucien-de-Beauvais.^Diocese of Boulogne: St-Sauve- de-Montreuil, Samer. — Diocese of Chartres: Meulan. • — Diocese of Laon: Nogent-sous-Coucy, Ribemont, St-Jean-de-Laon, St-Nicholas-aux-Bois, St-Vincent- de-Laon. — Diocese of Meaux: Rebais, St-Faron-de- Meaux, St-Fiacre. — Diocese of Noyon: Mont-Saint- Quentin, St-Eloi-de-Noyon, St-Quentin-en-l'Isle. — Diocese of Paris: Argenteuil, Chelles, Lagny, Les-Blancs-Manteaux-de-Paris, St-Denis-de-F ranee, St-Germain-des-Pr^s. — Diocese of Reims: Notre- Dame-de-Rethel, St-Basle, St-Marcoul-de-Corbeny, St-Nicaise-de-Reims, St-Remi-de-Reims, St-Thierry. — Diocese of Rouen; Le Tr^port, St-Martin-de-Pon- toise. — Diocese of Soissons: Ch^zy, Orbais, St- Corneille-de-Compiegne, St-Crepin-de-Soissons, St- Medard-de-Soissons.

(2) Province of Normandy. — Diocese of Bayeux: Cerisy-la-Foret, Fontenay, St-Etienne-de-Caen, St- Vigor-le-Grand. — Diocese of Beauvais: St-Germer- de-Flay. — Diocese of Chartres: Coulombs, Josaphat- les-Chartres, St-Florentiu-de-Bonneval, St-Pere-en- Vall^e, Tiron. — Diocese of Coutances: Lessay. — Diocese of Evreux: Conches, Ivry-la-Bataille, Lyre, St-Taurin d'Evreux. — -Diocese of Le Mans: Lonlay- I'Abbaye. — Diocese of Lisieux: Beaumont-en-Auge, La Couture-de-Bernay, St-Evroult d'Ouches, St- Pierre de Pr^aux. — Diocese of Rouen: Aumale, Bonne-Nouvelle, P'^camp, Jumieges, Le Bee, St^ Georges-de-Boscherville, St-Ouen-de-Rouen, St-Wan- drille-Ren(;on, Valmont. — Diocese of S6ez : St-Martin- de-Seez, St-Pierre-sur-Dive.

(3) Province of Brittany. — Diocese of Angers: Bourgeuil, Chateau-Gontier, Craon, Notre-Dame-de- I'Eviere, St-Aubin-d'Angers, St-Florent-de-Saumur, St-Florent-le-Vieil, St-Maur-sur-Loire, St-Nicolas- d'.A_ngers, St-.Serge-d'.\ngers. — Diocese of Avranches: Mont-Saint-Michel. — Diocese of Dol : Le Tronchet, St- Jacut-de-la-Mer. — Diocese of Le Mans: Evron, St^ Pierre-de-la-Couture, St-Vincent-du-Mans, Solesmes, Tuff6.— Diocese of Nantes: Blanche-Couronne, Notre- Dame-tle-la-Chaume, Pirmil, St-Gildas-<les-Bois, Ver- tou. — Diocese of Poitiers: Montreuil-Bellay .^-Dio- cese of Quimper: Landevenec, Quiraperle. — Diocese of Rennes: St-Magloire-de-Lehon, St-Melaine-de- Rennes, Ste-Croix-de-Vitr^.— Diocese of St-Brieuc: Lantenac. — Diocese of Saint^Malo: St-Malo. — Diocese of St-Pol-de-L^on: St-Mathieu-de-Fine-Terre.— Dio- cese of Tours: Beaulieu,Cormery, Marmoutier, Noyers, St-Julien-de-Tours, Turpenay, Villeloin.— of Vannes: St-GiUlas-de-Rhuis, St-Sauveur-de-Redon.

(4") Province of Burgundy. — Dioce-se of .\utun; Corljigny, Flavigny, St-Martin-de-Cures. — Diocese of Auxerre: St-Germain. — Diocese of Blois: Pont-le-

Voy, St-Laumer-de-Blois, Ste-Trinitd-de-Vendome. — Diocese of Chalon-sur-Saone: St-Pierre. — Diocese of Dijon: St-Benigne-de-Dijon,St-Seine-rAbbaye. — Dio- cese of Langres: Beze, Molesmes, Molosme, Moutier- Saint-Jean, St-Michel-de-Tonnerre. — Diocese of Le Mans: St-Calais. — Diocese of Lyons; .\mbronay. — Diocese of Orleans: Bonne-Nouvelle, St-Benoit-sur- Loire. — Diocese of Sens: Ferricres, St-Pierre-de- Melun, St-Pierre-le-Vif-de-Sens, Ste-Colombe-les-Sens.

(5) Province of Chezal-Benoit. — Diocese of Bourges: Chezal-Benoit, St-Benoit-du-Sault, St-Sulpice-de- Bourges, Vierzon. — Diocese of Cahors: Souillac. — Diocese of Clermont: Chaise-Dieu, Issoire, Mauriac, St-.'Mlyre-de-Clermont. — Diocese of La Rochelle: Mortagne-sur-Sevre. — Diocese of Limoges: Beaulieu, Meymac, St-Angel, St-.\ugustin-de-l,imoges, Soli- gnac. — Diocese of Lucon: St-Michel-en-l'Herm. — Dio- cese of Lyons: Savigneux. — Diocese of Perigueux: Brantome. — Diocese of Poitiers: NouailM, St-Cyprien- de-Poitiers, St-Jouin-de-Marnes, St. Leonard der Ferriercs, St-Maixent, St-Savin. — Diocese of St- Flour: Chanteuges. — Diocese of Saintes: Bassac, St- Jean-d'Angely.

(6) Province of Gascony. — Diocese of Agde: St- Tiberi. — Diocese of Agen: Eysses, St-Maurin, Ste- Livrade. — Diocese of Aire: La Reule, St-P^-de- Generez, St-Savin, St-Sever-Cap-de-Gascogne. — Diocese of Alais: St-Pierre-de-Salve. — Diocese of Aries: Montmajeur. — Diocese of Avignon: Rochefort, St-Andr6-de-Villeneuve. — Diocese of Beziers: Ville- magne. — Diocese of Bordeaux: La Sauve-Majeure, Ste-Croix-de-Borde.aux. — Diocese of Carcassonne: Montolieu, Notre-Dame-de-la-Grasse. — Diocese of Dax: St-Jean-de-Sorde. — Diocese of Grenoble: St- Robert-de-Cornillon. — of Laveur: Soreze. — Diocese of Lescar: St-Pierre-de-la-R<5ole. — Diocese of Lodeve: St-Guilhem-le-Desert. — Diocese of Mire- poix: Camon .-^Diocese of Montpellier: St-Sauveur- d'Aniane. — Diocese of Narbonne: La Morguicr, St- Pierre-de-Caunes. — Diocese of Nimes: St-Bausille. — Diocese of St-Pons: St-Chinian. — Diocese of Toulouse: Le-Mas-Gamier, Notre-Dame-de-la-Daurade.

The Superiors of the Congregation were: — Presi- dents: D. Martin Tesniere (1(U8-'21), D. Columban R(?gnier (1621-24), D. Martm Tesniere (1624-27), D. Maur Dupont (1627-30).

Superiors-general: — D. Gr^goire Tarisse (16.30-48), D. Jean Ilarel (164S-60), D. Bernard Audeljert (1660- 72), D.Vincent Marsolle (1672-81), D. Michel Benoit Brachet (1681-87), D. Claude Boistard (1687-1705), D. Simon Bougis (170.5-11), D. Arnoul de Loo (1711- 14), D. Petey de I'llostallerie (1714-20), D. Denys de Sainte-Marthe (1720-25), D. Pierre Thibault (1725- 29), D. Jean Baptiste Alaydon (1729-32), D. Herv€ Menard (1732-36), D. Claude Dupr6 (1736-37), D. R^n6 L.aneau (1737-54), D. Jacqvies Maumousseau (1754-56), D. Marie Jo.seph Delrue (1756-66), D. Pierre Francois Boudier (1766-72), D. lUn6 Gillot (1772-78), D. Charles Lacroix (1778-81), D. Chartid- M0U.SS0 (1781-83), D. Antoine Chevreux (1783-92).

The Procurators-General in Rome, who were all of importance in the hi-story of the Congregation, were; — D. Placide Le Simon (1623-61); D. G:i))ricl Flam- bart (166.5-72), D. Antoine Durban (1672-Sl), D. Gabriel Flambart (1681-84), D. Claude Esliennot (1684-99), D. Bernard de Montfaucon (1699-1701), D. Guillaume Laparre (1701-11), D. Philippe Rafier (1711-16), D. Charles Conrade (1716-25), D. Pierre Maloet (1721-33). No successor to D. Maloet was api)ointed.

Ai,HTON, The Conaregation of Sl-Mnnr in Bov'nndc Tirview (Marrh and July, 1906); Xttay !■ ./•,:../,.,-- ,/,■ .S(- Oermnin-<ies-Pr«s, 3 vols. (Piiri.s. I'm., . ! ■ ' ■ ::lumii

dcmamUes par les moine/i de Si-<" • ^ i ,iJo m

Revue Mahlllon IV, (1909); Bf.Ai .111. /. - ' /"■ del

arrhev^ctUs, ^fchfs, abhaj/ce, el prtitu'^ fc / ,.:/<'., li'!'u.i,titnm (LiKuee, 1906). 90-120; Br.Ri.ifcHK. Die jAhruiistutun der Maunner in Studien O.H.Ii.. VIII (1887). .WU-iW; Idem, Lea correspoTidanla liUirairea de biKidktina de St-Maur dam lea