Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 12.djvu/266

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onum et decretalium collectiones", Rome, 1836, 356 sqq.)- Extracts from Book IV were published by Mai, "Nova bibliotheca patrum", VII, iii, 1-76 (Rome, 1852-88).

PHlLLipa. Kirchenrecht, IV (Ratisbon. 1S51), 135-6; Schereh, Kirchenrecht. IV (Gratz, 1886). 240; Wernz, Jus Decretalium, I (2nd ed., Rome, 1905), 331, 333.

A. Van Hove. Polygamy. See Marri.\ge, History of.

Polyglot Bibles. — The first Bible which maj' be considered a Polyglot is that edited at Alcald (in Latin Complutum. hence the name Complutensian Bible), Spain, in 1502-17, under the supervision and at the expense of CardinalXimenes, by scholars of the univer- sity founded in that city by the same great Cardinal. It was published in 1520, with the sanction of Leo X. Ximenes wished, he WTites, "to revive the languishing study of the Sacred Scriptures"; and to achieve this

printed edition of the Greek Old Testament, the one which was commonly used and reproduced before the appearance of the edition of Sixtus V, in 1587. It is followed, on the whole, in the Septuagint columns of the four great Polyglots edited bv Montanus (Ant- werp, 1569-72); Bertram (Heidelberg, 1586-1616); Wolder (Hamburg, 1596); and Le Jaj' (Paris, 1645). Ximenes' Greek Xew Testament, printed in 1614, was not published until six years after the hastily edited Greek New Testament of Erasmus, which was pub- lished before it in 1516; but in the fourth edition of Erasmus' work (1527), which forms the basis of the "Textus Receptus", a strong influence of Ximenes' text is generally recognized.

The "Antwerp Bible", just mentioned, sometimes called the " Biblia Regia", because it was issued under the auspices of Philip II, depends largely on the "Complutensian" for the texts which the latter had

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4 * Et congregitis ommhm brmcipibus fl- eer datum , (S" frtbis popult, pcrcontatiu ejl db eu rvbiMejchicho mfceretur.

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object he undertook to furnish students with accurate printed texts of the Old Testament in the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin languages, and of the New Testa- ment in the Greek and Latin. His Bible contains also the Chaldaic Targum of the Pentateuch and an inter- linear Latin translation of the Greek Old Testament.

Polyglot Bible of Montanus (Biblia Regia)

Reduced facsimile of the opening

The columns, from left to right, present; the Peshito (SjTiac) Text; a literal Latin translation of the

published. It adds to them an interlinear translation of the Hebrew, the Chaldaic Targums (with Latin translation) of the books of the Hebrew Bible which follow the Pentateuch, excepting Daniel, Esdras, Ne- hemias, and Paralipomenon, and the Peshito text of the Syriac New Testament with its Latin translation. The work is in six large volumes, the last of which is This work was not based on MSS. of very great value; made up of a Hebrew and Chaldaic dictionary, a but it was carefully printed by Christophe Plantin, in Hebrew grammar, and Greek dictionary. It is said eight magnificent volumes. The last two contain an that only six hundred copies were issued; but they apparatus crilicus, lexicons and grammatical notes, found their way into the principal libraries of Europe The "Paris Polyglot " in ten volumes, more magnifi- and had considerable influence on subsequent editions cent than its Antwerp predecessor, was edited with of the Bible. Vigouroux made use of it in the very less accuracy, and it lacks a critical apparatus. Its latest of the Polyglots. Cardinal Ximenes was, he notable additions to the textsof the "Antwerp Bible", assures us, eager to secure the best manuscripts accessi- which it reproduces without much change, are the

ble to serve as a basis of his texts; he thanks Leo X for lending him Vatican MS.S. Traces of such I\ISS. are, indeed, discernible, particularly in the Greek text; and there is still a copy at Madrid' of a Venetian MS. which he is thought to have used. He did not, how- ever, use any of what are now considered the best;

Samaritan Pentateuch and its Samaritan version edited with Latin translation by the Oratorian, Jean Morin, the Syriac Old Testament and New Testament Antilegomena, and the Arabic version of the Old Tes- tament.

The "London Polyglot" in six volumes, edited by

appreciation of the worth of the MSS., and of their Brian Walton (1654-7), improved considerably on the

variant readings, had still much progress to make; texis of its predecessors. Besides them, it has the

but the active work of many years produced texts Ethiopic Psalter, Canticle of Canticles, and New

sufficiently pure for most purposes. Testament, the Arabic New Testament, and the Gos-

The "Complutensian Bible" published the first pels in Persian. All the texts not Latin are accom-