Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/535

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MaroiUes, abbey ni-210d; XIV-

132a Marolda, Vincenzo M.» Bishop of

Trapaui X^'-23d Maroles. >St't- Maricoles MaroUes, Michel de XV-4b Maron, legend IX-6S3b —Moorish state HC>od — John, Ciaint, S.( John Maro Maroncelh, Pietro XI-609C MARONI, PAUL IX-683a MARONIA IX-'Kiib Maronite CoUege. Home VII-2d; IX-u>7c: XIII-135a; Asse- mani at I-704b: under Propa- ganda XII-l.",sb MARONITES IX-6.S3c: I-7Sld; V-237b; VI-7o0a; IX-684a; abstinence I-71d; in Alexan- dria I-300b; Amberach I-381b; St. Anthony's rule I-5ooc; Asseinani family I-794a; Bene- dict XIV II— 134b ; chorepiscopi XVI-25a: clergj- IX-0S4C; col- lege founded XV-219b: con- gregations, rehgious IX-6S4d; on consanguinity IV - 26Gd; Cozza. Lorenzo IV-286C. at C\-prus IV-591a: Dominican missions XII-368Ea: and Druzes V-166d; 167c; episco-

fate IX - 6S4c: ethnography X-683C; XII-|-.2r,c; extent I- 781c: fastinc IX-|-.s,-,a: XII- SS9a;foun(l<aVI-7.-.9b;C;al.ri.-l Sionita VI-331b; history IX- 685b; and Holy Sec l\-4(i4a; James Sarugh X-193d: 8t. John Maro IX-C80a; Kanno- bin. Council of (1616) IX- 687d; latinization V-239a; Mt. Lebanon, Council of (1736) IV- 64a; IX-688a; XIV-3S9d

— lUurgu of I-5.5C; .574a; VI- 7.53a; XIII-83a; XIV-419b; Books of IX-3a4a; de.ivation VI-776a: language XIII-70d; origin IX-311d; Psalms XII- 543b; romanizing of XIII-66a; use of IX-313b

—and St. Louis VI-168a; mas- sacre of X-701b; monasticism X-472C; monks V-28a; and Monothehsm VII-7I4b; VIII- 364a; Orthodoxy uninterrupted IX-G86c; patriarchate of IX- 684b; XI-S51b; pohtical state IX-683d; present state IX- 6S3c: reUgious characteristics IX - 685b; sacraments IX- 685a; statistics I-782a; in Syria XIV-t0.5a; in Turkish Empire XV-lOOb; lOld; unleavened bread I-349d; II-172a

Maros-Szent-lmie, battle VII- .5t;4d

Marostica, Gerardo, Bishop of Padua XI-,3Sfid

Marot, Clement VI-193c; and Catherine de' Medici III-44.3b; and Christine de Pisan III- 724b: Francis I VI-208c;and Rabelais XII-fil9c; rhymed psalter Xni-27c

Maroth VI-4t2b

MaTOumine Indians. See Me-

Maroun, John of. .Sec John of

Mar.jun Maroveus, Bishop of Poitiers VI-

1.50a Marozia, and Albcric I VI-243d;

XIV-23.3C: and John X VIII-

426a: and John XI VIII-426a;

and papacy XIV-202a; and

.SerEJus III XIII-729a MarPacifico (Pacific Ocean) I.X-

527b Marprelate tracts XT-9.5d Marpurg, Friedrich Wilhelm III-

Marqa, poet XIII 119c; on Pen- tateuch XIlI-419a

Marquard, Abbot of Fulda VI- 3I4b

—Abbot of Prilm XII-519b

— n, Prince-Bishop of Eichstiitt V-365b

— n von Berg. Bishop of .Aug-s- burg. S^r Berg, Marquard II


Marques de Campo, Valencia,

infant asvlum XV-253b MARQUETTE, DIOCESE OF

IX-liS9a: Baraga .School (ill.) IX-689b; charitable institu- tions XII-247b: convent II- 519c; Italians in Vni-206b; St. Peter's Cathedral (ill.) IX- 689c; Poles in XII-211a: sta- tistics IX-69(lb: .\V-17i;c; Vertin's episcopate .X\'-;i77d —JACQUES IX o'liic; III _';,;b; 653b: \;i .;■';, I\ :;-:U 689b: X >-j -I i :

XII-.5'..Jb :■: ■ I l:

and ■• \ I' \ ■ I I. -..I ' .1 Dablon \\ 'Jil.,, ,,„,! Dniil- lettes \'-lMd, cv,.r,liiion III- 233b: an.l llliiMi^ lii,li:ins VII- 660c; X-:Nsb: iii Iowa V-179d; and Joliet Vni-49(jb: and Kas- kaskia Indians VIII-608C; in Kentuckj' VIII-622c; and Leo- poldine Soci.-t>- X\'I-52c: and Mianii I ' ■ ^ jric: in

MichiL' V-J-ila:

Missi>^ i \'III-

95a: X ;■• ' wi X-

401d; in IV..ria XI-I.62C; at Saint - Jacques mission IX- 769c: Shea on XIII-7.53C; and Sioux XIV-18a; in Tennessee XIV-50Sd; in Wisconsin XV-



— University, Milwaukee X-320c;

XV-2()4a: li(J4b — University, New Orleans XI-

l|-.a Marquez, Anton, missionary VII—

774d —Juan, .\uiru3tinian IX-209a:

XIV-200b" —Manuel, explorer VII-41d —Petals II-689a Marquis, Jean Joseph, French

revolutionist IX-3S0d Marra, AUessandro della. Bishop

of .Santa .s.vnrina Xni-460a Marrakesh l~lssb



Marre, Augustin, Cistercian gen- eral ni-7.s.5a; XIII-SSlc; XV- 2.ib

Marri, town, Albanians in VIII- 207d

MARRIAGE, CIVIL IX-691d; 700d; age regulations IX-692a- annulment, causes for IX 692c: in Austria II-132b: in Baden II-197d; 198b; Common Law IX-692b; condemned I - 6S8a: divorce V-r,4c: dona- tions V-118b: .lo ',. I V I \-d: in Ecuador V-27od I ,,

VI-38b: forei.;^. I • ■ ■ n

Hungary II-i:f:.c mi., .i..,,. i,m IX-692d; of inhdPls \lll-.ic; in Italy XII-79a — LegUlation: Alabama I-243d; .'\rgentine I-705a; Bohemia U 61.-)C: Boli\na II-62nb; Califor- nia III-176a. Canada I-148b; III-230d: Ccvlon III-549a; Colorado IV-131a: Connecti- cut IV-256b; of Constantino IV-300a: Delaware IV-69oa; England I-313c; Florida VI- 120c: France I-651b; Georgia VI-463C; Idaho VII-630b; Illinois V 1 1 - 6 5 8 b: India VII-73.5b; Indiana VII-743a; Iowa VIII-97a: Ireland VIII- ll.ia: Italy VIII-23.^>d: Japan VIIl-301a'; Josenh 11 on II- 127c: Kansas Vlll-dOOc: Ken- tucky Vlll-tW.jc: Louisiana lX-:i8.3d: Maine IX-.>$4b; Mar\dand IX-761c: Mas.sachu- aetts X-28b: Michigan X- 282a: Minnesota X-330c: Mis- si.'wippi X-397d: Missouri X- 400c: Montana X-520a: Nc- bra.ska X-731a: Nevada X- 777b: New Hampshire X-78Sd; New JersevX -793c; New Mex- ico XI-.5a: New York XI-3.Sb; 3Sc; 3Sd; North Carolina XI- UOa; North D.akota XI-113a; Ohio XI-227c; Oklahoma XI- 232c: Oregon XI-291d; Penn- sylvania XI-04.3d; Portugal XII-.307a: Prussia VIII-70Sd; Rhode Island XIII-23C; Ro- man IX-67a: .sOa: SOb: 704d:

.South Carolina XIII-160b: .South Dakota XIV-162c; Spain XIV-1S7C: ISSa: Ten- nessee XIV-511a: 5!lb: Texas XIV-550d; 551a; United States I-14Sa; XV-165C; Utah XV- 239c: Venezuela XV-331a; Vermont X V-357d ; Virginia XV-454d; Washington XV- 562b; West Virginia XV-604d; Wisconsin XV-665c; 666a: Wyoming XV-726C

— and legitimation IX-692d; li- cense for IX-692b; parental consent I-208d; IX-693a; Phil- ippines Xn-16c; and public dcconcv XII-."w4c; relationship IX-i;n2a: rmlils XIII-5(;d: in .Sivitz.rlan.l XIII -3.50b

—HISTORY OF IX-09.3d: ab- stention from IX-697c: -Adam- ites I-135a: among Alaskan tribes I-249b; Albigensianism I-26Sb; 269b: Anarchism I- 452c; Apostactics I-650a; Ap- ostolici I -647a: Aquarians I-660d; Babvlonian II-lS7d: Bogomili II-612b; Brahminism II-732a; Buddhism I-773a; III-30C: 33d; bv capture XIV- 794a: Cathari III-i37a; cere- monials iX-697d; in the Chris- tian Dispensation IX-700a; among Chumashan Indians X- 373c: in Confucianism IV- 226c; as contract I.X-f.97c; Darwinian t!i. -^ \ .tia, ilc- viations fro: ! ^ ' i and divorce IX-*'" !> I ; - \'-

372c; Encraiio - I 77ja, \'- 412d; enthronizMtu.n of V- 497d; Essenes I-771d; V-547a; Eustathians V-628c; evolu- tionist theory IX-^99d: first V-64Gd: gariands, use of VI- 385a: Gnosticism VI-597c: among Greeks III-639a; Jew- ish II-548C; IX-72b; XIV- 437a: XV-464Gb; 464Hb: lev- irate II-549a; 550b; V-570b: in "Liber Adami" I-132c: Man- ichaeism I-772a; IX-593d; Marcionites IX-647d; among Mataco Indians X— lib: Maya Indians X-S4c; Mennonites X-190c; Mexican TiL.lians XV- 768a; Moli a I \

427d; XV-r. golians X- 1 - 1

772a: X-oL'liI i ■ . . i .. II- 618b; among .M.ixos Indians X-607b; pagan l-163c; among Parsis XI-509b; polyandry IX- 694c; polygamy IX-fi94d: pro- miscuity, primitive IX -694a: Quaker custom VI -306a: in Reductions of Paraguay XII- 695a; among Romans III- 639a; V-64d; XV r.'inb am.n- Shiah X- l.'-'i M ' 1 I diansXIII-7o ,a . i , - 111 .595d; XI-:i'"ih \ l\ o,i ,a,i Socialistic t In o r \ I .\ oo:ai. symbolism Xl\'--l7-'>a; .anionic Theophilaniliropi-t- XIV- 624c; in Tot. misn, XIV-7'.i:id: among sav Utopia .■> marck on I

—MIXED lXa.!Kb: l-liSKa; \-

3Sa; VII-52a: X\ I-t.iid. St Ambrose on V-.39c; Baltimore decrees II-238d; 240a; 240c; banns II-2.5r>b: in Bavaria II- 357b; Benedict XIV, decrees of II-4.34a; Chalcedon. canon of IIl-558a; clandcstinity IV-2a: disparity of worship V-37d: Dtillinger on V-9.5d; Dunin on VI-59ic: in Germany \'-162a; Gregory XVI on I-32.5c; in Hungary II-135b; with infidels VIII-»a: of Jews and Chris- tians VIII - 403d: legislation IX-701C: Mass, nuptial X-5<1: as matrimonial impediment VII-697a; St. Paul on III- 752a; in Poland \ - 193a in Prussia II-570d: VII-Sc; XII- 527c; von Rciaach on XII- 731a: as sacrament IX-713C; in Saxonv XIII -.503b; and State XIV -772c; with un- baptized II-267d: Vicari on XV— 103c; Wessenbcrg on X\'- 590d

.'i:id; W.rt'


—MORAL AND CANONICAL ASPECT OF IX-69(lc; and abduction I-32b: 33a: .33b; 34a: 34d: 3.ia; and adoption I-147c; and adultery I-163b; 16.3c; dur- ing Advent I-165d; 166b: and affinity I-178a; 178c; 179a; annulment V— lOd; 59a; and apostasy I-625b; Arcanum I- fi87c: XV-688C; ascetical teach- ing XIV-617d; St. Augustine on II-90d; Baltimore, decrees of II-238d; 240a: 240c: oanns II-25.5c; 257b; and baptism IX-700C: Baston on II-346a: and benefices II— 176c; and be- trothal II-537C; 538d: bigamy II-564C: blessing XI-o38b; Carridre on III-379b; and celi- bacy III-481a: by chaplains Ill-oSOd; and chastity III- 63Sb; clandestinity IV-la; 577c: V-691b; XIII-651C; XIV-441d; of clergy III-479a; 484c: 486b: V-61c: VI-137a; X-333c; compulsory IV^2a: Concordats IV-197C: consan- guinity IV-264a; of conscience IX-700d; consent IX-702a; contr.act XII-151b; Corinthi- ans. Epistle to IV-367d; in Corpus Juris Canonici IV- 392c: courts, ecclesiastical IX- 701a: XIII-652b; and death IX-701d: on death-bed II- 257a: and desertion IV-750C: and disparity of worship V- 37d; dispensations III-57b; V-ilb: 4:!a; 45c; XI-777b; and divorce V-54d; domicile II- 256a; V-104d; 105a; 105c; XII-786C; dues XII-470C; d'Espence on V-542a: and eu- genics XVI-39b: 39c: and ex- amination V-674C: Evb on V- 732a: and fear VI-20d: 21c; in Greek Church II-257b; her- esy, impediment of VII-261b; heretical IV-2a: and illegiti- mac\' VII-6.50d; impedimenta Vn-69.5d: XV-257a: indis- solubility IX-701d: Innocent

III on VIII~17a: of insane Vni-»2d; institution IX-699C; intention VIII-69d: and ir- n-Kularitv VIII-1T2C: St. Je- r oa'VITT ll ia, and legit-

. ■■ • ! .i 'r, • l\-132a; I .. M 1 I .■ \ \ (lol, liberty pr..,,.,-,,! \ r.aia hL-amrn IX- 214a: .\lar.initc clergy IX- 6,S4c; midwives X-2S7d; in military orders ni-698d: XIII- 353b: morganatic IX-70fld: Nc temerc IV-3c; IX-701b; offering XIV-2a; orders, im- pediment of III-487d: 488a: (Irl.'ans. council of (533) XI-

I -1 ' irlZ-.ans. Council of (538) ■'I >a , papal authority V- 'oi ■ Jb: in parish churches

- I ' :a St. Paul on XIV-

Ja W 4.5Sc; 690c

I'lmha;.. V-60a: Pius VIII on \n I ;ih: Pius IX on XIV-

ooa .ii'iOc
Praelatus Nul-

htis .\ll-332d: presumptive I.\ 7iHld: and prostitution \III 172b: public celebration

IV Ic: public honesty XII- 5.54b: putative IX-700d: XII- 584a- registers, parochial XII- 721c. 721d: ana religious pro- fession V-(ilc; 61d; von Rosko- vAny on II-135C: royal II- 256c; .Sacraments. Congrega- tion of the X1II-140C: second II-.561a: .561c: 501d: secret II- 2.57b: IX 7nod: and steriliza- tion X\I-3Hd: and Temper- ance XIV-4sld: Tcrtullian on XIV-.522d: true I.\'-7l)0d; va- lidity IV-2<3d; XV-2.56d: Vi- enna Conference XIII-.596C; and vows, simpl-- I-7tl<a; Vat- ican Council X\-.3(Ua: and virginity X\'-45.Sb; witnesses XV-67fd: woman question XV r.nid

-MYSTICAL IX-70,3a; IV- 32.5d: XII-731C; of bishopa III-440b; of Christ and the Church III-752a; of St. Teresa XIV-510b

-RITUAL OF IX-703<1; devel- opment IX-705a; dower IX-

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.