Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/708

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Sacred Roman Rota. See Rota, Sacra Romana

— Thirst of Jesus, Confraternity of the, Catholic Temperance Society XIV-4S9C

— Treasure, Order of the, in Japan VIII-29Sd

Sacri Apostolatus ministerio. Bull of Leo X X-26SC

Sacrificati, in early Church IV- 666c:IX-2a;211d

SACRIFICE XIII-309b; I-152a; VIII-71b; of Adam XIII-320a; in African religion I-183c: lS4a; altar I-360a; Amos, teaching of I-437a; anatomy, influence on I-458a; Anghcan view I-495d; atonement as II- 58d; Babylonian XIII-311C; bloodless XIII-318a; bloody XIII-318a; Cain and Abel I- 36a: Chanaanite III-571b; XIII-311d; Christian XIII- 315d; in Christian Ufe III- 595a; in Confucianism IV- 227a

— of the Cross Xlll-407c; dogma XIII-316a; patristic teachmg XIII-316C; theological prob- lems XIII-317a

— deflnition Xni-309b; 320d; divination by V-olb; domestic II-548d; 553a; of Druids XII- 410b; Egyptian XlII-311b; Elchasai V-372c; Erastus V- 515b; essence of XIII-320C; Essenes V-546c; Fijians XVI- 40b; Greek Xll^lOa; XIII- 310b; 318b; of hair I-59a; Hindu II-730d; 732b; XIII- 309d; Holy Eucharist as XIV- 586d

—Human XIII-318b; in Africa I-182d; 184a; VI-56c; Aztec II-171a; X-251b; to Baal 11- 175d; in Benin II-480b; Chan- aanite worship III-571d; of Chibchas III-653a; Druids V- 163a; Florida tribes VI-119C; in Greece Xin-310c; Hebrews VIII-333C; XIII-312b; Indian VII-753d; Mexican II-170a; Rome, ancient II-109C

— Indian I-410d; IV-410a; Iran- ians XII_-409d; XIII-309d; of

—Jewish XIII-312b; bloody XIII-313b; in Canon Ill-264b; criticism, modern Xni-31ob; guilt-oEfering XIII-314C; holo- caust I-360b; XIII-314a; in Leviticus XI-649a; material XIII-312d; peace offerings XIII-3I4d; sin-offering XIII- 314b; symbolism XIV-374b; Talmudic tract XIV-437b; tax I-361b; Vespers XV-381d

—in Job VIII-414d; in Malachias IX-564C; of Mary and Joseph XV-465a; in Mass X-7b; of Messianic kingdom III-745b; to Moloch X— I43d; Mosaic X- 584a; XI-659b; negro VI-5.5b; 56c; of Noe IV-702b; object XIII-320b; and oblations XI- 215d; of Old Law Xin-296b; to oracle XI-264d; origin XIII-319b; Old Testament I- 55c

—Pagan I-346b; XIII-309b; Christian aloofness III-595a; St. Paul's argument I-362a

—in Parseeism XIII-318b; Phoe- nician XIII-311d; and priest XII— 106a; and priesthood XII- 409a; 414c; primitive I- 529d; III-142C; primitive re- ligions, absence from IV-687a; and redemption XII-678c; rites of XIII-318(1; Roman XII- 410a; XIII-310d; Sabbath XIII-288a; salt XIII-403d; in Scandinavian religion XIV- 348b; Semitic XIII-311b; Serbs XIII-732b; Sioux XIV- 24a; species of XIII-318a; theory XIII-317c; in Totem- ism XIII-319d; Trumpets, Feast of XV-70d; unity of. in Church XV-180b; universaUty XIII-317C; Vcdism XIII- 309b; 318b; virtue of religion, act of XII-748C; worship, as act of I-152a; XII-741d; XV- 710c; Zoroastrian II-152d; 155d; XIII-309d

^Holy. See Mass

— Law of. .See Leviticus, Book of

Sacrificial Stone, .\ztec (ill.) X- 256

Sacrificium (Mass) IX-791b: Mozarabic Rite X-619d; 621d; offertory chant XI-219a

SACRILEGE XIII-321a; in Church III-44a; and Gothic law Vlll-424d; local XIII- 321b; of Nadab and Abiu I-4a; personal XIll-321a: real XIU- 321c; .as sin Xll-74.Sc

Sacri palatii causarum generales auditores Xlll-206b

— Palazzi ApostoUci Prefettura dei. See .Apostolic Palaces, Prefecture of the

Sacripanti. See Sagripanti


SACRISTAN XIII-322b; in ca- thedral chapter III-255a; chal- ice III-.563C; custos IV-577d; monastic I-14b; XI-18.3d; papal, precedence XIII-144b; papal quarters XV-278C

— .See Sexton

SACRISTY XIII-322d; altar-ves- sels I-358d; armarium II-107d; cloister, laws of IV-60d; early III-576; Eastern III-575d; manuterge IX-633c; in Ortho- dox Church IV-316a; St. Peter's XIII-371d

—of the ChaUces, Seville X-520d

Sacro, Museo, Vatican. ,See Cris- tiano, Museo

Sacrobosco, Christopher a. See Holywood, Christopher

— Joannes de. See Joannes de Sacrobosco

Sacrobuschus, Joannes de. See Joannes de Sacrobosco

Sacrobusto, Joannes de. See Joannes de Sacrobosco

Sacro Monte de Varallo, monas- tery VI-J8b

Sacrorum Antistitum, of Pius X X-421a; Xl-5U2d; XII-13SC

Sacrosancta, Bull of HonoriusIII IV-4d

—Romana, Bull of Pius IV VII- 95a

Sacrosanctse, Bull of Boniface VIII IV-672d; IX-227a

— prayer, posture VI— 424d

Sacrosancti apostolatus. Consti- tution of Benedict XIII IV- 357d

Sacro Speco (Subiaco) VI-229c; XIV-321b; 78Sd

Sacs, tribe I-311c; language I- 411b

Sacy, Louis Isaac Lemaistre de. See Le Maistre de Sacy, Louis Isaac

— Sylvestre de, .4rabic research XI-303a; and Assemani I- 795b; and Ch^zy III-651d; on Biblical chronology III-731C; at College de France IV-114a; on "Liber Adami" I-132c; and Scholz XIII-5o3a

Sa'd XI-718a

Sad, deitv XII-J3a

Sadagh (Satala) .XIIl-4S6a

Sadahahs, Hethite prince VII- 307b

Sadako, Empress of Japan VIII- 298b

Saddan, Queen of Adiabene VIII- 350b; 353a; XIII-711a; at Jerusalem VIII-350b; palace VIlI-353a

Sad-dar II-153C

Saddharma-pundarika III-29C

Saddle Lake, Grey Nuns' school at VII-31d

Saddlers* Guild, London IX- 346d

SADDUCEES XIII-323b; and Christianity I-118a; in Clem- entines iV-40b; doctrines VIII-400C; and Dositheus V- I36d; eschatology VIII-550b; and Pharisees Xl-790a; in Psalms of Solomon I-605c; and Resurrection XII-792d; and Sanhedrin XIII-445a; and Scribes XII-618a

Sade, Laura de, and Martini, Si- mone lX-731a; and Petrarch XI-77Sd

Sadeel (Chandieu), and Gregory of Valencia VII-23C

Sadeleer, Remy de, Superior of, Josephites VlII-520a

Sa de Menezes, poet XII-308C

Sa de Miranda XIV-198a

Sa'di, poet XI-720C

Sadiqa-marriage II-549a

Sadis-Cusani, Marco de. Chris- tian Doctrine, Confraternity of I1I-711C

Sadleir, John, treachery V-187b

Sadler, Robert X-86d

—THOMAS VINCENT FAUS- TUS X111-333C; and Huddles- ton Vll-511d

—Walter X111-323C

Sadlier, Anna T., at Catholic Congress, Chicago IV-250d

— Denis, publisher VIII-142C

— James, publisher VIII-142c; XI-2Sb; XIII-323d

—MARY ANNE MADDEN XIII-323d; as editor Xl-693c; portrait XIII-324a

Sadness, as passion I-656c; XI- .'•.34c; XIV-616a

Sadoc, high-priest I-102b; XI- ri59d; XII-t08a; and Abiathar I-43d; and Adonias I-146c; and Ark I-723d; Christ, in genealogy of VI— 410b; and Chusai lll-706a; and Saddu- cees III-323b

Sadok, prior. mart\T XIIl-l.STa

SADOLETO (SADOLET-, JACOPO, (-ardinul .X 1 1 1 - 324b; Vlll-2lsb; Budi; 111- 34c; and Calvin III -197a; and Cortese IV^Ola; and Erasmus XII-767b; as human- ist VII-540a; Latin writings IX-31C; and Leo X IX-163d; and Morone X-575b; on perse- cution VI-170C; and Pole XII- 202c; portrait XIII-324b

Sadowa, battle (1866) VIII- 631b; X-702b; XII - 530c; XIV-54d

Sadruga, clan XIII-732a

Scebert, King of the East Saxons. See Sebert

Saeby, Carmelite priory XVI- lld

Sffic, abbr. I-25c

Sseculum, deity X-402d

Saegher, Chrysostom de, .\bbot of St. .Martin of Thebaen XIII-4.5Sb

Sael-Haggar (Pelusium) Vl-143b

Sa e Lisboa, Christovam de. Archbishop of Goa VI-6U4a

Saemund, and Edda V-2S0c; as Icelandic educator XIV-61a

Saena. See Siena

Saenderl, Julius P., in Pittsburg XII-123a

—Simon, in Detroit VI-i79b; Indian mission II-282d; in Ohio IV-55d

Saenz de Santa Maria, Ramon Maria Azpetitia, Bishop of Tiidela XV-S,5d

S£epius officio. Encyclical of -An- glican archbishops V-414b

Saer -stock Il-753d

Saeson (Saxons) XV-532d

Saeta, missionary XI-451d

Saethrid, Saint XHl-747a

Safa desert X111-711C

Safaidic Inscriptions X11I-711C

Safar (Dhajar) l-tj70c

Safarik, Pavel IV-600a; as phi- lologist XIV-47C; Slavonic or- igin, theory of XIV— 42b; 46c

Safe, for altar-vessels I-35.Sd

Safed, sacred city VI-342b; Knights Templars XIV-I93C

Saffi, Aurelio XIV-266b

Saffron, in Bible XII-156b

Safi, TeU es- Vlll-iy7b

Safieh, Chirbetes XlV-130a

Safiyeh, Tell es- Vl-142b

Safrians, sect X 42.jc

Safrida, mother of St. Frides- wide VI-306C

Saga, Icelandic VII-61Sc; XIII- 120c: XIV-676C; of Israelites I-54b: Langobardic VI-519a; Norse I— 417c; Scandinavian I- 7-5b

Sagadahoc, colony at IX-546a

SAGALASSUS X11I-324C; XII- lir.b; church, transept XV-lSd

Sagamoni Borcam, and Polo, Marco .XI1-21SC

Sagan, August inian abbey XIII- 791a


XIII-324d; geographic re- search VI— 451d; among Hurons VII-577a; as missionary III- 232a: X-37SC; and Viel XV- 416d

Sagarelli. See SegarelU

Sagaris, Saint, Bishop of Lao- dicea VII-341C; VIII-794d

Sagart Ban I-563b

Sagart-Ruadh, Saint. See Mael- rubha

Sagasan, Aglese de Xll-91b

Sagasta, Praxedes Mateo, poli- tician XlV-lSGb

Sage, Alain-Rene Le. See Le Sage

Sagesse, Filles de la. .See Wis- dom. Daughters of

Sagette (Sidon) Xin-777c

Saghavard, in Armenian Rite Xlll-SOc

Saginaw, town, Michigan X- 2S0d; "A. P. A." I-426d; 427d

Sagitta fSidon) XIII-777C

Sagittarius, BishoD of Gap VI- 3.53b; and John "III VIII-422b

Sagmiiller, J. B., as canonist IX- 66a; ecclesiastical property XII^67c

Sagnaripa, mission station XIV- 145b

Sagnaro cactus Xll-lOOa

Sagnier, Marc, and Sillon Asso- ciation \I-lSSc

Sagona, Diocese of, Corsica I- 23Sd; lV-397b

Sagrada Familia, a.-^ylum, Bar- celona ll-290b

— Familia, Templo Expiatorio de la, Barcelona II-290a

Sagrado Coragou, church, San Juan XlIH47b

Sagramento, Antonio del, w-riter XIII-102C

Sagrario, EI, church, Quito XII- fil5d

Sagre Grotte Vaticane XIII-372a

Sagripanti, Giuseppe, cardinal, and Propaganda X11-460C: and Scots College Xlll-fi32c

Sagrista, Vatican official XV- 27Sc

Sagstetter, Urban XV-419c

Saguens, John, philosopher X- 326a

Saguntines, and Turba XIV-525C

Saguntum, Spain XI V-176C; Han- nibal at XIV-176C

Sahagiin, Spain, monastery II- 449b: XIV-180d; name, origin of IX-17ob

—BERNARDINO DE XIII- 325a: as Franciscan writer \"I- 299d; in Mexico X-255b; 2o6d: New Spain, history of III-S8d; on Totonac Indians XIV-794d; and Zumarraga X-257c

— John of. Saint. .See John of Sahaeun

— de Arevalo, J. Francisco, edi- tor

Sahak the Great. See Isaac of Armenia

Sahal-ben Mazliach, Karaite com- mcntator IV-l.Wd

SAHAPTIN INDIANS XIII- ,326a; VII-754b: X-390b; XV- 53Sa

Sahara, desert, Jews in I- ISod

—VICARIATE APOSTOLIC OF XIII-327C; map I-facing ISO; missionary posts X\'-613d

Sahdona, Bishop of Mahoze III- .559c: X1V-1U\1

Sahidic dialect V-356b: 356d; liinrgv V-36Ib; .XV -368a: XVI-l'Sa; 7Sd: .New Testament IX -633b: XIV -.533a; St. James. Kpistlc of VIII-275d

Sahl ben Bishr al-Israel, astrol- oger 11-2 Id

Sai, .Nubian see .XI-148a

Sa'ib, poet XI-720C

Sa'id, Abu, writings XIII-120a

Saida. .see Sidon

Said Khan, ruler of Moghulistan X-}S2a

— Otba, tribe VI-542C

Saidyat el-Harah, sanctuary.


Saif-uddin Isfarangi, writer XI- 720b

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrationa.