Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/788

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Stemhold, Thomas, Rhvmed Psalter XIII-27a

Sterrett, James MacBride, on re- ligious experience 1-2 19b

Steterburg, monastery of, found- ed III-19C

Stettiatos, Nicetas. See Nicetas Pectoratus

Stettin, town, Cistercian monas- terj- XII-225d; Franciscan monastery XII-22od: St. Otto in XI-353d; and Prussia XII- 520c; 522c; and Sweden XIV-657a; Synod of (1433) XII-226b; (1448) XII-226b; Treaty of (1570) IV-72Sb; IX- 402b

Stettin-Stralsund, arch-presby- teries XII-226C

Steuben, Baron Friedrich Wil- helmvon, in American Revolu- tion VI-476d; XV-163a; and Duponceau V-205C

STEUCO, AGOSTINO XIV- 292d; III-371d; in Vatican IX-641d

Steunenberg, Frank VII-629b

Stfvenists II-396c; X-105a; in Belgium XlII-534d; at Namur X-679C; See Petite Eglise

Stevens, on St. Augustine II- 103b

— Alfred George, sculptor XIII- 647a

— Comeille. and Concordat X- 679c; and French Government II-396b; 396c; at Namur XIII- 534d; See Petite Eglise

— Elisha, in Nevada X-776a

— Isaac IngalJs, on Coeur d* Alines, Indian mission IV-93b; on St. Ignatius missions VIII- 594a; Ravelli's church XII- 662a

— J. D., missionary' XIV-19b: Sioux speUing book XIV-24b

— Thaddeus, reconstruction pol- icy XV- 173d

— Institute of Technology, New Jersey X-794C

Stevenson, Adlai Ewing, states- man XV-17Sd

— Henry, archaeologist III-707a; in catacombs III^19c; and De Rossi IV-740d; Vatican Library XV-292a; 292c: 294c

— John Dunlap, in Civil War VIII-141a

—JOSEPH XIV-293a; and Mel- rose chronicle X-171d; papal documents III-50c: Rolls Se- ries XIII-120b; in Rome VIII- 62c

— Robert Louis, on Damien IV- 615c; at Molokai X-t4od

Stevin, Henri XIV-294a

—SIMON XIV-293b; XII-55d

Steward, High, of Cambridge University III-213a

— Unjust, parable XI-466d

Stewart, Alexander, Earl of Buchan. Chart«r 1-4 Id; and Drj'burgh .\bbey V-167c; at Dunkeld V-194b

— Alexander, Archbishop of St. Andrews. See Stuart

— Balfour, and law of energj' V- 427a

— Christina, Loretto nim IX-361a

— Dugald, philosopher IV-167c: on free will VI-262a; and moral sense XI- 191c; on population XII-276d; psychological teach- ing XII-546d; and Scotch Jsychological school XII-32c ames. Earl of Mar, and Mary Stuart VIII-fi83a

• — John, Duke of .'\lbany, and Gavin Douglas V-144a

—Margaret VIII -683b

—Robert, Viscount X-3lr.b; XV-

i9.3d; Irish policy VIll-107b;

XIII-12.Sa; anil Moylan X- fi09c; and Pitt XV-.393a

—Walter, General VIII-I39b

—Island, Church in V-191C

— .Sec Stuart

Steyaert, theologian XII- 442b

Steyl, Missionaries of. See Di- vine Word. Society of

Steyr, town. Church at IX-276a

Sthlabenoi XIV-J2C

Sthlabinoi X1V-12C

Sthlaueni XIV-42C

Sthlauini XIV-i2c


Sthula Shariara, Theosophic doc- trine XIV-627C

Stibil, Monsignor XIV-56C

Sticharion, in Greek Church IV- 316b

Stichart, on Luther IX-I49d

Sticheron, in Greek Office I- 106a; IV-319C

Stichic Writing, in Massoretic Text XIV-529d

Stichos, in Greek Office I-106a

Stickel, J. G., on Canticle of Canticles III-304C; 305b

Stiefel, Michael, m Hamburg VII-122a

Stiengs, Malay tribe Vn-766a

Stier, Rudolf Ewald, Polvglot Bibles XII-223b


Stiftsfehde, in Germany VII- 129c

Stigand, Archbishop of Canter- bury III-299d; 301a; V-131c; Vin-7S.5a; XII^7od; at Chi- chester III-657C; and St. Ed- ward the Confessor XII-475d; Elmham episcopate XI-122a; Winchester episcopate XV- 650c

Stiglmayr, Joseph, on Pseudo- Areopagite V-18a

STIGMATA, MYSTICAL XIV- 294d; St. Catherine of Siena 111-44 7b; XIV-294d; St. Cath- erine de Ricci XIV-294d; Blessed Christine of Stom- meln in-724b; and ecstasj' XIV-295a; Elias of Cortona V- 383a; of Blessed Elizabeth of Rente V-39id; Anne Emmerich V-J06d; St. Francis of Assisi I-2S8b; 702b; VI-226a; XIV- 295a; St. Francis of Assisi (ill.) VIII-731d; feast VI-227a; five Sundays devotion XII-276a; Gertrude von der Osten VI- 535c; La Verna Chapel XV- 35Sb; Louise Lateau XIV-295c; Blessed Lucy of Narni IV-121d; Marie de Moerl XIV-295C; and mystical marriage IX -703b; and Pacificus XI-382c; St. Rita of Cassia XIV -296a; and visions XIV-29oa

Stigmatins, Franciscan tertiary Congregation XIV-643d

Stigsen, Niels, Bishop of Ros- kilde X^"I-71c

Stiklestad, town, battle (1030) XI-118b; 234b

StiUcho, Flavins VIUBOd; 461a; XII-142a; XV-268C

Still, town, blind asylum, collec- tion for I-344b

StiU Days, in Holy Week VII- 437b

Stiliemans, Antoine, Bishop of Ghent VI-543b

Stillinger, James A., Vicar Gen- eral XI 1-1 23a; 124b

Stillingfieet, Edward, and Canes III-249d; and Coleman IV- 97d; and Cressy IV-486d; 487a: and Godden VI-622b: and Gother VI-665a: and Schelstrate XIII-526d; and Sergeant XIII-727a: 727b; and Woodhead XV-702b; and Worsley XV-713C

Stillman Institute, Alabama I- 242b

Stillorgan, town. Brothers Hos- pitallers of St. John of God II-8n2d

Stilo, See of XIV-239b; monas- ter>-, ccjpying at IX-617b

Stilpo of Megara, philosopher

X-146b; XlV-299b Stilted Arch I-688b; 688c; circu- lar (ill.) I-689a: horseshoe (ill.) I-fiSOa; segmental (ill.) I-<)89c Stilting, in architecture VI-670d — Bollandist, on Baillct II-207a Stimmatini, Congregation, Ve- rona XV-362b Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, peri- odical IV-37SC; VI-7LV,b; VII- 253a; \'lll-701a: IX li'.C.b; 6.58c; XI-:iS2a; i;7sd; i;7»d; XIII-.546d; XIV-2ir,a; XVI- 8d Stimson, Frederic Jesup, on part- nership XI-509d

STIPEND XIV-296b: and altar- age I-359a: benefice XIV- 297a: in Brunswick III-20a; in confessional XIV-2a: Con- gregation of the Fabric of St. Peter's XIII-146d; Council, Congregation of the XIII- 141d; of curate IV-571a; early Church XIV-296C: Mass X- 20d; Mass, and Bishops XII- 756a: Mass, for books X-291b; of pastors XI-538c; of rectors IV-323b: and simony XlV-ld; State aid XIV-296d: and sus- pension XIV-346a: tithes and oSerings XIV-296C: Triden- tine legislation XIV-296d

Stipes, of altar I-347b

Stiris, St. Luke's Church, style V- 262c

Stirling, town, Irish population VIII-154b: Protestants in VIII-6S2b

— James Hutchinson, philosopher VII-194a

—Castle, chapel royal III-578d; (ill.) Xlll-facing 612

Stirling-Maxwell, Sir John, col- lection of Theotocopuli (El Greco) works XIV-62Sd

Stimer, Max, philosopher V- 560c: X-43b

Stitchill, Robert de. Bishop of Durham V-211d

Stitny, Tomas, writer IV-.599c

Stjernkors, Magnus HI, Bishop of Abo Vl-77a

S. T. L., abbr. I-20a

Stlatlimuq (Lillooet Indians) IX- 2o3c

Stobaus von Palmburg, Georg, Bishop of Lavant n-125d; VI- 734a; IX-19b

Stobbe, Hans, at Leipzig IX- 14 la

Stober, Viktor, physician X-141b

Stobi, Greek See of VI-738c

Stock, in cemeteries III-509d

Stock-gambling, and clergj- IV- 50a

Stockdale, Geraldus, school XVI- 16d

Stocken, Karl von, priest, in .Sehwcrin X-llOb

Stocker, Leodgar, Benedictine V-51Sa

STOCKHOLM XIV-297b; ad- ministration XIV-297b; Bap- tist seminary II-280d; battle (1522) IX^Old; buildings XIV-297d; Church in XIV- 297d: 347c; collegium regiura at XV-208c; defense XIV- 297b: Diet (1577) XIV-349c; Gesellenvereine V'I-538c: li- brarj' IX-620a; massacre XVI- 75c; population XIV-297b; schools XIV- 297c; statistics XIV-297b: Temperance Con- gress XIV-}86a: Treaty (1720) VI-506a; XII -226c; war in the North XIII-544b

Stockings, liturgical use III-87d; XIlI-434d: XV-388b; 389c

STOCKL, ALBERT XIV-298a; on St. Augustine II-91d; Cath- olic revival n-174a; XIV- 596a; death V-366b: on Deu- tinger IV-762b; at Munster. t'niversitv of X-640b; Nco- Scholasticism X-748d

— Ulrich. Sre Stocklin

Stockley, William F. XI-C83a

Stocklin, Ulrich, Abbot of Wesso- brunn XV-591d: at Basle. Council i.f XlV-172d

Stoddard, Anthony X1V-298C —CHARLES WARREN XIV- 2ft,Sc; at Notre Dame du Lao XI-132C Stofifel, Ignace, missionary IX-

317c StSffler, Johannes, on aatrolog>' II-22C; and Melanehthon X- 151c; at Tubingen University XV-S3b Stoger, at Louvain seminar\' II-

12sa Stoglav X-593d Stoicowic, John. See John of Ra-

STOicS AND STOIC PHILOS- OPHY XIV -.'(Wb; XIl-27a: 31b: and Bstroliigv II-2t)b; XV-I83d: Aurelius II-HOa; Boethius II-611C: on character

III-586b: and charity III- 593c; Clement of Alexandria IV-47b; and Cynicism IV- 5S2d; on dreams V-154d: eclec- ticism V-276b: ethics V-558c; IX-77c: XI-391d: and evi- dence XIII-517a; on evil V- 650d; fatalism V-792a; 793d; on freedom VI-260a ; on happi- ness VII-131d; XII-587b; on highest good VI-637c; 638c; 641d; on immanence VII-684d; Justin martyr VIII-o83b; Lipsius on IX-281a; logic IX-325d: on Logos IX- 329a; XII-24d; and material- ism XII-2Sc; and metaphysics X-230d: naturalism X-715a; and natvu-ism X-719a; on passions XIV-616a; and St. Paul XIV-631C: and Pelagian- ism II-96a: and Proiidence XII-511b; and Quietism XII- 608d; self-inspection V-675a; on soul X-484a: XIV- 154a; on universe, origin of VII-682d: Valla on XV-257d

Stokauans XIV^8a

Stoke, John, Abbot (ill.) I- 17b

— Cannon, Devonshire, font (ill.) Il-facing 274

Stoke-on-'frent, town, convent VI I- 119a

Stokes, George Thomas, Church historian VII-379b: on Amra I-440d

—John III-354d; and Hus VII-

— Joseph XIII-50d; XV-457C

— Whitley, and Celtic study VIII-123b

— William, physiological investi- gation X-139d

Stokesley, John, Bishop of Lon- don lX-347d

Stola regni laureatus, hvmn I- 134b

Stolba, Joseph, dramatist IV- 600c

Stolberg, town. Poor Child Jesus, Sisters of XII-2ola; Poor of St. Francis. Sisters of XIV 257d

—Christian XIV-300a

—FRIEDRICH LEOPOLD, COUNT ZU XIV-299d; II- 790b ; and Anne Catherine Em- merich V-407a; and Adele Gal- litzin VI-367c; and Luise Hen- eel VI 1-24 la; at Munster X- 636b: and Overberg XI-363b; portrait VI-524b

—Herman XIV-300d

—JOSEPH XlV-300d


Stolberg-Gedem, Louisa voOy Couutes.s ni Albany, and Alfieri I-308C

Stolberg - Wemigerode, Count Ferdinand of xn'-300b

Stolbovo, Treatv of (1617) XIII- 246d; 374d

STOLE XIV-301a: acoh-tes I- 108a; in Advent I- 166a; altar I-357a: in Armenian Church XIII-80C; in baptism II-273b; broad III-639d; Carthusian nuns III-392a: n-t)52c: in churching of women 1 11-76 Id; coloiu- IV-135b: Communion to sick IV-175a; in St. Cuthbert's tomb (ill.) XIV-301b; of dea- con IV-650a: development XIV-301d; in Eastern Rite XV-3.8,Sd; form and material XI\-301a: in Greek Church IV-3I6b; 316c: historj- XIV- 3(llc: Ltitherans XV-390C; in nK,rn„L- <rr.i„ony IX-706b: Mas- \. -till. lit X-20d; origin XI \ .iii.'a. I'apal .anathema I- 4,".6c; pivsliNters IV-J19d; sig- nificance XIII-oOSc; SjTian Rite, East XIV-»16b; of St. Thomas of Canterbury IV- 535b: in Uniat Church VI- 746d: use of XV-2S8b; for \iaticum XV-399C —Fees, in Brunswick III-20a; of rlerp\* I-S.^ga: and common law lV-571a: in Greek Church V1-741C; and stipend XIV- 296d — Tax, in Austro-Hungary II- 127a

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustratioDS,