Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/533

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priests, 39 regular priests, 27 churches and chapels, vicariates fortoerly supported by the state, (1920

17 schools, and 2 stations. The Syrian bishop is statistics).

Rt. Rev. Gregory Peter Habra,b. 1856, elected 1901, »*^„^«. «♦ rr*^^^* r«^..««-. ^« ««- ^♦oKKaI^-^/I

succeeding Bihop Bermi, deceased. In the Syrian . M<)unt St. Vincent, College or was ^^blished

diocese there are 7100 Catholics, 50 priests, 20 m 1910 at the mothCT:house ^f the S^" . ^^

religious, 2 convents, 20 churehes, 10 schools for toys Ch*"<^y» ^J'. Mount St. Vmcent under the direction

an<r5 sJ^hools for prls. The Apostolic mission is of these Sisters. The institution was founded for

confided to the Dominicans. The superior, Dom the higher education of Catholic yomig women, and

IS transferred in 1921 ^^ a faculty of 19 professors and 8 associate pro-

23 Dominican priests. ' »ng well equipped laboratories, gymnasium, library,

museum, and art studios. The Most Rev. Patnck

Mostar and Markana-Treblnje, Diocese of fcf.C. J. Hayes, D.D., Archbishop of New York, is presi-

E., X— 699c), in Herzegovina, Jugoslavia, formeriy, dent of the college. In 1921 the college registered

with Bosnia, part of Austria-Hungary. The diocese 175 students, of whom 25 were graduated.

of Mostar, suffragan of Sera jevo, has also the title of »*^_^_v««— . t^ -kt^, « ^- fTurr^^^^

Duvno. a former see, and the p^jrpetual administra- Mozambique, ^^^^^atu^ Nullius of (M^^^^

tion of' the united sees of MaSana and Trebinje. ^'f=^«^»' /(l^/u ^V -^"A^^li '^J^lZ^l^^^

Rt. Hey. Louis Stephen Misic, O.F.M., b. at Grad- ^^oni^ of South Afnc^, dii^tly dej^nde^^

iska, in this diocese, 10 November, 1859, was elected Holy See. ^The present P^^^ate liumus is R^^^

laboreA /or many yeara in the diocese, W Father credit the territory with 177,060 Catholics, 6 secular

Didaens Buntic, a scholar who had done a great deal and 6 regular clergy, and 10 parishes,

for the orphans and poor boys of the diocese, have Muenster, Abbey Nuluus of, in Saskatchewan

died since 1910. . ^ ^ u • rr (Canada). This abbey was erected in 1892 under

The population IS Croatian andfor ]^)8ma.Herze. ^ ^ f q ^ lUinoie, was transferred to

govina the religious «dlepance is 827,051 Greek Canada in 1903 liider the naie of St. Peter, and

Schismatics, 683^33 MoKammedans and 437,778 ^^^^ ^^ ^^bey 15 August, 1911. On 6 May, 1921,

Catholics. The Catholic popiUation of the c,ty of ^^^ g^^ Congregatfon if the Consistory dismem-

Mostar 18 ^ from a total of 16,313, that of the j^^ ^j^^ Dioc^lf Prince Albert and the "Colony

diocese 149,000. There are 62 parishes 32 churches, ^ g^. p^^ » comprising fifteen townships with the

2 missions 3 FVancisean monasten^, 5 convents for parishes of kuenster, Humboldt. Annaheim, Dead

women, 15 secular and 88 regular pnests, 1 seminary, ^ ^ak Fulda ^t. Benedikt, Leofeld, feruno,

^•^"51^^ ^f'^^r and 2 for girls, 4 normal schoote Engelfeld and Watson, was form^ into an abbey

with 460 students, 2 mdustnal schools 1 hospital, J[^ ^^^ entrusted to the Abbot of the Benedictine

1 day nursery, 1 political (twice a week)^d 2 rdig- Monastery of St. Peter, near Muenster.

lousp^rs, a sa^K^otal aMociation the Third Order ^ ^^ administrator is Abbot-Ordmary

of St Francis and Manan Congregation for the laity Michael Ott, O.S.B., b. 18 Mareh, 1870, professed

TTie Government pays 10 f>l^r a year for each pupil 24 June, 1889, ordained 29 June, 1984, appointed

in the Catholic schools of the diocese. Nine new ^^^^^ 3^ July 1919, made abbot nvUiua m Mav,

parishes, ©parish churches and 5 orphanages have igjl, proclaimed at the Sacred Congregation of the

been erected since 1910. Consistory, 13 June following.

According to (1922) statistics there are: 12 par-

^ ' ' 2 stations, 1

5 convents for

clergy, 6 lay

>llege for men with

unai cause aayancea ana lu w^ laise; nowever, ^q boys,' 3 academies with 125 girls/OO elementary

r^^iilor^'rn'^t'^^^^^^^ «^»»^^ ^'th 85 teachcrs and 25W pipils, 1 hospital

a minor matnmomal impediment is valid. A xg^ Elizabeth's Hospital), Associations organized

rescnpt grant^ motu propno to a person who by ^^ ^^ i^j^. Knights of Columbus, Foresters,

canon law is disqualified from obtaimng the favor Volksverein. The Catholic periodicals published are:

m question, or if it is contrary to a legitimate local g^ p^^^^'s Bote, German Catholic Wee&y, published

custom, pnvate statute, or acqmred right is meffec- ^ ^he O. S. B. of St. Peter's Abbey. The Catholic

tive, unless it expressly contains a derogating clause, papulation numbers about 10,000 Germans, chiefly

Monllns, Diocese of (Mounensis; cf. C. E., settlers from the United States.

X--603d), m the department of Allier, France, Mulholland, Rosa. See Gilbert, Lady. suffragan of Sens. Rt. Rev. Emile-Louis Lobbedey.

appointed to his see 5 August, 1906, was transferred Mnlry, Thomas Maurice, American banker and

to Arras 5 May. 1911, andliis successor was appointed philanthropist, b. 1855, New York City, d. there in

in the person ot Rt. Rev. Jean-Baptiste Penon. Bom 1916. He was second son among fourteen children,

in Simiane, France, in 1850. he was ordained in 1873. Four of his brothers became priests in the Society of

served as a professor at the lower seminary of Aix and Jesus and a sister joined the Sisters of Charity. He

the Cathobc College, pastor, vicar general under was educated at St. Joseph's parochial school and

Archbishop Gouthe-Soulard, and made an honorary De La Salle Academy. He oecame a contractor at the

canon ancl vicar capitular, denied the office of vicar beginning of his business career, and in his maturer

gBneral by the Grovemment, named pastor-dean of years he oecame an influential figure in banking, real

t. R^my of Provence iiv 1904, of St. Madeleine of estate, life ins^^unce, religious and official circles.

Aix in 1906, and appointed bishop 8 May, 1911. In 1906 he was elected President of the Emigrant

The diocese composes a Catholic population of Industrial Savings Bank, New York, one of the largest

406,291, 31 parishes, 281 succursal parishes and 55 banks of its kind in the world, and held this position