Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/241

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LXX 208 UX

and enactments from Gennan law, drawn up for which it has reached ua, it canoot be older th&n the eTid

Rhtetia and the Griaons. With these miEht be men- of the seventh centuiy. It was modified by the Jus-

tioned the "Lex Dei quam precepit Oominus ad tinian Code and especially by the influence of Chris-

Moysen" (Law which God gave to Moses), now com- tisnity. The "Lex Allamanorum" (I^wof Ute Alla-

monly known as "Coliatio legum Mosaicanun et mani) was drawn up in its definitive form prolMbly

Romanarum", a comparison of Mosaic and Roman between the years 717 and 719 by Duke Lanfridus;

biWa made by a Christian between 390 and 438, to the "Lex Bajuwariorum " (Law of the Bavarians)

^ow the extent to which they agreed. The "Lex about 748-52; the "Lex Frieionum" (Iaw of the

Romana canonice compta" (i. c. concepla or compo- Frisians) dates back to the second half of the eighth

Mita) is a collection of Roman laws made in Italy in the century. Authorities attribute to the Synod of

ninth century (after 825). It comprises those enact- Aachen (802 or 803) tbe"LexSaxoniun" (I^wof the eRomi -, -^ ...

mentsofthe Iavi, and especially of the Justinian Code, which were of special import to the

C3iurch. (3)1

« Barbaro- lis title denotes the collec- tions of laws drawn up by the barbarian kmgs for their Teu- tonlo aubjecls. It is difficult to assign a precise date to each of these collections; several of them were reissued at a later period.and the earli- est form has not always been pre- served. The most ancient of these compilations is the "Lex Salica", the earliest redaction of which does not in- dicate clearly a Christian or a pagan origin; it is believed to date from the reign of Clovis, be- tween the years 486 and 496. The most important new re- daction is the " Lex Salica emendata ' ' (a Carolo mogno emendata), a prod- uct of the Carlo- vingian age, though ' apparently it cannot be attributed to Charlemagne. In the fourteenth cen- tury the Salic Law was invoked to ex- clude women from theeuccession tothe Vtench throne. The Lex Ribuariii, or "Ripuaria", reprodi





'■ cUrAd xafhn '

Fronioii Vlll-n

t the Salic Law, but

it is manifestly influenced by Christianity and the Roman Law. It was drawn up bj- the authority of a officio judi ■'" — ■■""*ive form dates appar- The "L<« Barbara


"Lex Angliorum et Werinorum, hoc est Thuringorum" pro- mulgated for the in- habit&nts of north- eastern Thuringia. The "Lex Chama- vorum" (Lawofthe Chamavi, identified with the inhabitant* of the Lower Rhine and the Yssel and the Netherlands ter- ritory of Drenthe) was composed about the end of the eighth or bezinnmg of the

(about 8027). The firat version of the " EdiotuB " , or " Lex Longobardorum ' ' , enacted fortbeLom- hards of Italy, be- longs to the year &43 . It was revised by King Grimoald in 668 and by ICiag Liutprand between 713 and 735, while additions to it wer«  made by King Rat- cbis in 745-46 and Km^Aiatulf in 755. A critical edition ctf the ' 'Leges Borbaio- rum " and of certain "Leges Romano- rum" is published in "Uon. Germ. Hist.: Legea", III- V (Hanover. I8ft3- 89), and "Legum Sectio I", I-II (Hanover, 1002). (4) In the MiddU

. — ■ - .^^M' Aga. — In this peti-

ii-r OF THE Lei Sauca od fci Was employed

SliflHbibliolhPk, St-GiJI to denote a body ti

righte. The name t»

•tTop'<lil'i"n signified all the rights of a metropolitoo

■' .ffragan bishops of his province (c. xi, "De

lis ordinarii", X, I, xxxi): by the name far

c. ix, "De majoritate et obedientia", X. I,

., . lex ditgcemna juritdiclionit (c. ix, "Do

hecreticis", X, V, vii), was meant all the rights of a

However, a distinction ^""

1 c«.j.<L*i*

Burgundionum" belongs to the fifth century

attributed to King Gundobad, who promulgated the bishop in his diocese.

"Lex Romana Burpundionuin"; under the Carlo- drawn later Irath by law and by the doctore between

_-__-_... 7j^ ^^ ordinarily callml the "Lex Gunde- the Ifx dueresann a '

, __.w of Gomlcbauil, whrnce its French name. "De officio judicis i , , . "Loi GombetteJ'. It in a collection of the ordinances dealing with the profitable rights of the bishop U. . .. of that prince and his predcrcpsors. The first redac- tain fixed incomes like the procuratio, the col/iedro- tion of llie "I,ex Barliara Wisigothorum " belongs to tieiim, etc., and the latter treating of the other righta the reign of King Euric (40G-84), but it was reiisinl of the l)isiii)p. e. g. tlie exereise of jurisdiction in con- by several of Iiih auecessors. In the complete forin in tentious matters, the mmistry of souls, l^e power and