Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/338

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these affect the Missal they have again produced Sanciorum), that is, general Masses for Apostke,

new editions of it. Moreover a commission now Martyrs and so on, that are very commonly used for

aittinj; is considering a further revision of the text. It saints of each class, often with proper Collect, Secret,

is believed that when the commission for restoring the and Posteommimion. Most saints' days give the

text of the Vulgate has completed its work, that text rubric: "All of the Common of a Confessor Pontiff

will be issued in the lessons of the Missal, thus making (or whatever it m&y be) except the following prayers",

again a new revision. But, in spite of all these modi- A collection of votive Masses of various kinds follows,

fications, our Missal is still that of Pius V. Indeed its ending with the Mass for a wedding (Pro Sponso et

text goes back to long before his time to the Gallican- Sponso), then thirtv-fivc sets of prayers (Oraiionea

ixed Gregorian "Sacramentary'^ of the ninth to eleventh diuersce) that may be used on certain occasions in

century, and, in its essential characteristics, behind Mass, according to the rubrics. The four Masses for

that to the Gelasian book of the sixth century, and so the dead come next, then twelve seU of prayers for

back into the mist that hangs over the formation of the the dead. Then the rite of blessing holy water and

Roman Rite in the first centuries. the Aspcrges ceremony. Eleven forms of blessings

Tlje Missal begms with the Bulls of Pius V, Clement (Sacramentals) used by priests, blessings of vestments, VIII, and Urban VIII. Then come the approbation altar-linen, and the tal>ernacle or ciborium (used by of the bishop in whose diocese it is printed and a few of bishops and by priest-s having a special faculty), and the most import&nt decisions of the Sacred Congre^a- the prayers (Collect, Secret, Ilanc Igitur, Postcom- tion of Rites. A long explanation of the Gregorian mumon) said at ordination Masses end the old part of Calendar foUows, containing much astronomical in- the Missal. There follow, however, the ever-growing formation. This is headed: *'De anno et eius parti- supplements. Of these first come a collecticn of bus". The two Paschal tables follow (Julian and votive Masses appointed by Pius IX for each day of Gregorian), a table of movable feasts for a number of the week, then spfccial Masses allowed for certain dio- f uture years and the Roman Calendar of feasts. Then cescs (MUsoe aliquibus in locis celebranda) , now form- come three sets of rubrics, first Rubrics gcnerales ing a second Proper of Saints nearly as long as the old Blissfe", containing the more general rules in twenty one; and finally with the Missal is bound up another paragraphs (these were made by Burchard, revised by supplement (paged with asterisks, I . , etc.) for what- thecommiasionsofPiusV,ClementVIII,IJrbanyiII); ever country or province or religious order uses it. then the *' Ritus servandus in celebratione misss ", The Missal contains all the music used by the celebrant in thirteen paragraphs or chapters. Tliis latter at the altar (except the obvious chants of Dominus gives exact directions for High or Low Mass, whether vobiscum. Collects, etc., that are given once for all in celebrated by a bishop or priest. Third come the the "CierimpnialeEpiscoporum) in its place. The directions al>out what to do in case of various acci- new (Vatican) edition gives the various new chants at dents or defects, headed ' * De def ectibus in celcbrat ione the end.

misssB occurrentibus*', in ten chapters. A private The Lectionary {Leclionarium Romanum) contains

preparation and thanksgiving for Mass follow to be the Epistles and Gospels from the Missal, the Gradual

made at the opportunity of the priest". The prayers (Graduule R^tnanum), all the choir's part (the Proper,

said while vestmg come at the end of the preparation. Inlroit, etc., and the common, Kyrie, etc.) with mu-

Lastl^, figures show the way to incense the altar and sic. Religious orders that have a special rite (Do-

oblation. Shorter and special rubrics for various minicans, Carmelites, Carthusians) nave of course

occasions are inserted (in red) in the text. their special Missals, arranged in the same way.

Then follows the text of the Missal. The first part (b) The Pontifical {Pontificate Romanum) is the contuns the "Proper of the time" (Propriumteviporis) bishop's-book. It was issued by Benedict XIV (1740- from the first Sunday of Advent to the last after Pente- 58) on 25 March, 1752, and revised by Leo XIII in cost. The Proper of each Mass is given in order of the 1888. It has tliree parts and an appendix. Part I ecclesiastical year, that is the Masses of each Sunday contains the rites of Confirmation, tnc tonsure, the and other day (vigils, ember-days, ferise in Lent) that seven ordinations, the blessing of abbots, abbesses, has a proper Mass. Only Cliristmas and its cvcle of nuns, coronation of kings and queens, and blessing of feasts (to the octave of the Epiphany), although fixed a knight (milca). Part II contains the services for to days of the civil year (25 Dec., etc.). come in this laying foundation-stones, consecrating churches, al- part. Certain rites, not Eucharistic, but connected tars, chalices, many episcopal blessings (of vest- closely with the Mass, are in their place in the Missal, ments, vessels, crosses, statues, bells, weapons, and such as the blessing of ashes, canoles, and palms, all fiags), the seven penitential psalms, and the litany. the morning services of Holy Week (except the Ves- Pa^ III contains the publication of movable feasts on

Ssrs of Thursday and FridayJ. After the service of the Epiphany, the expulsion of public penitents on

oly Saturday the whole Ordinary of the Mass with Ash Wednesday and their reconciliation on Maundy

the Canon is inserted. This is the (almost) unchang- Thursday, the order of s^oiods, degradations from

ing framework into which the various Propers are each order, excommunication and absolution from it,

fitted. Its place in the book has varie<l considerably of the Journeys of prelates (prayers to be said then),

at different times. It is now put here, not so much for visitation of parisncs, solemn reception of bishops,

mystic or symbolic reasons, as because it is a conveni- Ic^tes, emperors, kings, and such people down to a

ent place, aoout the middle where a book lies open best " Princess of great power ", the old episcopal scrutiny,

(see Canon of the Mass). The eleven proper Pref- a ceremony for the first shaving of a clerk s beard, and

aces, and all changes that can occur in the Canon (ex- a little rite for making or dcgrsuling a singer (pmlmista

cept the modifications on Maundy Thursday), are or cantor)' The appendix of the Pontifical contains

mnted here in the Ordinary'. Then follows Easter the various rites of oaptism by a bishop, the ordini^

bay and the rest of the year in order. The second tions without music, marrioec performed by a bishop,

port of the Missal contains the Proper of Saints (Pro- the pontifical absolution and blessing after the sermon

prium missarum de sanctU), that is, the feasts that at High Mass, the Apostolic Benediction", and a

occur on days of the civil year. It begins with the blessing of Holy Water to reconcile a church after it

Vigil of St. Andrew (29 Nov.), as occurring at about has been execrated (polluted). A supplement adds

the beginning of Advent, and continues (leaving out the consecration of a church with manv altars,

CSuristmas and it^s cycle) regularly through the months of an altar alone, and of a portable altar — all without

to the feaats of bi, Silvester and St. Peter of Alexan- the cliant. A uuml^er of extracts from the Pontifical

dria (26 Nov.). are made, the ordination rites, consecration of a

The third part is always paged anew in brackets, church, and so on. These are not specially authorized;

\J]g etc. It contains the Common Masses (Commiuie they are authentic if they conform to the original