Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/392

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4m (1804); THOHNBuitT, Old and Nvw London (1808); Ton- aosr, London Hiitorienl and Deacriptive (190A) I^rthaby. London be/oro the Sorman Conquest (1902); Heniiam and Wblch, medieval London (1901) ; Nicx>la4 and Tyrrkl, A Chronide of London from 1089 to 1A86 (1827): Hilet, Chronicle of the nuHfore and ehtriffa ill88-l27i) (1863); Annates Lon- dinitnaee: Annalee Paulmi (temp. Edwani I and Edward II) (1882); RiLET, Memorials of Ixmdon and London Life in fhe tkiHeenth, fourieenth and jiUeenlh centuries, etc. (1868); Liber AlbuM of the City of London, fUteenth cent. (1861); the Camden Societv has included in ita'puolications many London chronicles. Munimmta Oildhallv Lortdinienntt in Rolls Seriee (4 vole.. 1859-1862); Shar^k, Calendar of WiUa proved in the Court ofHuetinga I25is- /6««(1880-90) ; Sharpk. Calendar of Git y of London Letter bookafrcm tS75 f8 vols., 1900-190S, in rirogross^ ; Ideic, Calendar ofLetten from the mayor and corporation of the Ciiy ofljondon ISSO-ISTO (1885); Bbbant. London in the Time of the Tudore (1904); Idem. Ijondon in the Time of the StuarU (1003); Idbic London in the Eighteenth Century (1902) ; Gommk, London in the Reion of Victoria (1898); Kincmford, Chroni- cle* of London (1905); Hare, Wcatminder (1894); Besant, We^mineter (1895); Ideu, South London (1899); lDE!ki, Eaal London (1901); Idem. Holbom and Bloomebury (1903); Idem, The Thamee (1903); Besant and Milton, We^stminater (1902); Idem. Strand District (1902); Ltsons, Environa of London

i 1702-96); Idem, Pariahes in Middlraex not included in the Invirona (1800); Howitt, The Xorthcm Heighta of London (1800); Thorne, Handbook to the Environa of tendon (1870); Walford. Greater London (1901); Wylue. London to the Sore

il905); SxirrH, Antiquitiea of London and it a Environa (1791- 800); Idem. Anliquitiea of the City of Westminater (1807); Idem, Ancient Topography of London (1815); Malcolm, Lon- dinium Redivivum (1803-7) ; Idem, Anvcdotea of the Mannera and Cuetome of London from the Roman Invasion to the year 1700 (London* 1811); Idem. Anee. of the Man. and CuM. of Jjondon dwingthe 18lhCent.{ih\il.^ 1807); Wilkinkon, lAmdina Flluatrata C1810); Clarke. Arehitectura Ecclea. Londini ( 1820) ; Thomson, ChronwUe of London Bridge (1827); Brayley, Juondiniana (1820): Lbioh Hunt, The Tovm. (1848); TnonNnunY and Wal- ford, CaaaeWa Old and New London (1873-78) ; Hark. Walka in London (1878; 7th ed., 1901); Birch, Hiatorical chnrtera and con- Mitutional documenta of the City of Londtm (1884; revised ed.. 1887); HuTTON, Literary Landmarka of f^ondon(\S92) ', Welch, Hiataryo/the London Monument [containing a bibliography of the Gnat rirel (1803): Birch, London on Thameain Bygone Daya (10^); Barton, Familiar London (1904); Nohman, London Yani^ed and Vaniahing (1905); Black, Slapa of Old London O008); Tranaadione of the London and Middleaejr A rchaological Sodeiy (1860-00); London Topographical Society, London Topographical Record (5 vols., 1001-1908, in progress), nUo annual publications of old maps and sur\'eys; I)ickkna, Dic- tionary of London (1880).

AirciRNT Cathoijc Diocese.— Gams, Seriea Episcopnrum (Ratisboa, 1873) ; Brady, Episcopal Surceatdon in England etc. J400-1875 (Rome. 1877); Wharton, Hi^toria de Epiaropia et Deeanie Ijondinienaibua (1695); Anon. London parish ra, con- iaininff the eituation, antiguiiy and rebuilding of the churchea 0824): Godwin, The Churchea of Lmilon (1830); Wood, Ecdeaiaatical Antiquiiiea of London and ita Suhurba (1S74); Hennessey, Novum Repertorium Ecclrmnaticum Parochiale Londinenee, giving the London diocenan clergy succession from the earliest time to the ycttr 1 808 i 1 898) ; Bibliography of London Churches in Notea and Qurrie«, 9th series, vol. IV. (1890); DiMOCX, The Cathedral ChurcJi of St. Paid (1900); Beniiam, Old SL Patd'a Cathedral (1902); Danfkll, Ijondon City Churchei (1907); Sinclair, Memorials of St. Paul'a Cathedral (1909).

London Catholics after the Reformation. — Besides the usual works dealing with the martyrs and the persecution the following are useful:— Gee. A Foot out of the Snare (1624) ; Seh- oeant. An Account of Ute Chapter (1706; reprinted 1853); DoDD* Church Historji (Brussels. 1739-1742); BEniN<;TON, State and Behaviour of English Catholics from the Ri formation to the Year 1781 (1st. ed., 1780; 2nd, 1781); Idem. Memoirs of Pantani (1703); Butler, Historical Memoirs of English Catho- lics (2 vols., 1810; 4 vols.. 1822); Anstev, A Guulc to the Lawa of England affecting Roman Caifiolira (1842); Maddk.n', The niaiory of the Penal Lava (1847); Flanagan, History of the Catholic Church in England (1857); Morkih, TrotdAea of our Catholic Farefathera (3 vols., 1872-77); Foley, Records of Eng- liah Province S.J., especiallj' vols. I and V (scries XII, 1877- 83) ; Birt, The Elizabethan Rdigioua Settlement ( 1 907 ) ; C\>r kson CondUion of Engliah Catholics under Charles II (1800); Kirk, Biographies of English Catholics in the Eighteenth Century ( 1 909 ) ; Burton. Life and Times of Bialujp Challoner, 1091-1 781 ( 1000 ) ; Ward, Wilfrid, The Daunt of the Calfiolic Rei^'i^, 1781-1803

The Catholic Directory (1773 to present date) .

Modern Civil Administration. — Fiktii, Municipal Lon- don (1876); Webb, The lA>ndon Proommmc. (I8iil); Hake, Sufferina London (1892); Jay. A Story of Shortditch (1K90); HuiTT, London Local Government (1897); Shekwell, Life in West London (1897); Richards and Payne, London Water Supply (1899): Seager, Oovemment of London iinrhT the Lon- don Government Act 1899 (1899) ; Booth, Life and Labour of the People in London (9 vols., 1889-1897); Idem. Summary of "Life Labour, etc**: Rdigioua Infuencea (1002); Hopkins. The Bon um g of the M ebropolia (1900) ; Neve. L'adminietratiun d'une IX.— 23

grantle ville (Lou vain, 1901) : Philpott. London at School (1004) ( GoMME, The Governance of London (1907); Whitaker'a Alma^ nack (annual publication); The London ManiuU (annual publi- cation).

Miscellaneous. — Herbert, History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies ofI.Mndon (1K37); Larwood^ The Story of the Ijondon Parka (1872); Hazlitt, Ixmdon Lxvery Companies (1890); Marshall, Ixmdon Libraries (1890); Cripps, Position of the London Water Companiea (1892); Written, London i^ Song (1898); Hudson, Birds in Ixmdon (1898); Marshall AND MiTTON, Scenery of London (1905); Hueffer, The Soul of London (1905).

Edwin Burtox.

London, DiocEfiE op (Londinensis), in Canada, est-ablishc<l, 21 February, 1855; sec tran:!}f erred to Sandwich, 2 February, 1S59, traiLsf erred back to London, I] ()ctol)er. 1869; comprises Middlesex, Elgin. Norfolk, O.xford, Perth, Huron, I.ambion, Kent-^ ana Essex CJounties in the south-western section ol On- tario, Canada. The incorporation of the city of London ami its selection as the see of a new diocese in 1S56 were almost contemporaneous. It then had a population of about 10,000, a fifth of w^hom were Catholics. As first bishop tlie Rev. Pierre-Adolphe Pinsonnault, a Sulpicianr was chosen. He was bom at Saint-Philippe, (Juebec, T,i Xovemljer, 1815, made his studies in Montreal and iu Paris, and was or- dained in the latter citv in 1840. lie was conse- crated in Montreal, 13 ^iay, 1856. On 2 Februanr, 1S59, he procured a pontifical Brief altering the title of the* diocese to Sandwich, and authoriz- ing the change of residence to that location. He resigned the see on 18 December, 18<56, and died at Montreal, 30 January, 1SS3. As his successor, the Very Reverend Jolm Walsh, V.G., Toronto, was chosen and consecrated on 10 November, 1S67. Bom in Mooncoin, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, 21 May, 1S30, he was ordained priest on 1 Noveml^er, 1854, and spent the years previous to his elevation to the episcopate in parish work. He was promoted to the Archl)ishopric of Toronto (q. v.), 25 Julv, 1SS9, and died there on 31 July, 1S98. In October, 1809, he transferred his residence from Sandwich to London, and on 15 Novem- l>er procured from Rome a decree making London once more*, the name of tlie diocese. lie began the erection of a new cathedral Mav, ISSl, and largely increased the number of churclies and institutions throughout the diocese.

The thinl bishop was the Rev. Denis O'Connor, ossjiasilian, and suf>erior of the Assumption (.'ollege, Sandwich, consecrated on 19 Octolxir, 1890. lie was born at Pickering, Onturio, 28 March, 1841, and or- dained prit^st on 8 DecemlnT, 1803. Like his prede- cessor, he was elevat^Ml to the Archbishopric of Toronto, 24 January, 1899. To fill the vacancy thus created the Rev. Fergas Patrick McEvay, Vicar- (Jeneral of the Diocese of Hamihon, waa named and consecrated on 6 August, 1899. Bishop McEvay was born at Lindsay, (hitario, on 8 DecemlwT, 1852, an<l ordained priest on 9 July, 1S82. Again, Toronto made a vacrancy in the See of London, for Archbishop O'Connor resigned and Bishop McEvay was trans- ferred to Toronto, ant.1 took possession on 17 June, 1908, As fifth Bishop of London, the pope apiK)intod on 14 December, 1900, the Very Rev. Alichael M. F. Fallon, provincial of the American province of the (Jblatcs of M ary I m macula t e. He was 1 >ori i at K i i igst on , Can- ada. 17 May, 1807, and entered tlie Oblate congre- gation at the conclusion of his course at Ottawa University. His theological studies were complet<?d at Rome, after which he became professor an(l vice- rector of his Alma Mater. At the end of three years he In'gan parisli work at Ottawa continuing it at Buffalo. In 1903 he was chosen provincial of the Oblates.

The religious communities now established in the diocese are: — men : i^asilians. Franciscans; women: Religious of the Sacrc<l Heart, Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, Sisters of Loretto Cb\%\j*x^fc