Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/452

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LnOUHUTS 400 Luon)

evciy election. Under it Lucerne eJIorded a refuge ciled with the Church early in the epiecopate at

to the exiled bishop, Lachat, until the dispute was Cyril (i)erhK{jeRbout286)thanintiuktofhiseucceeBOr;

settled after protracted negotiations in which Lu- otherwise it is hard to understand how bishops in the

ceme took a cooeiderable part. Since the opening of Orient could have received his pupils. Very Uttle ia

the St. Gothaid railway, the town, owing to its noble known about the life of Lucian, though few men have

situation on the lake, and as the gateway opening into left such a deep imprint on the history of Christianity,

the heart of Switzerland, has rapidly aeveloped and The opposition to the allegorizing tendraiciee of the

has become one of the centres of Swiss travel. Aleranorines centred in liim. He rejected this

The canton of Lucerne, at the census of 1900, num- system entirely and propounded a s^tem. of Ut«nl

bered 146,519 inhabitants, 134,020 of whom were interpretation which dominated the Eastern Church

Catholics, 12,085 Protestants, and 414 of other de- for a long period. In the field of theology, in tha

nominations; the city, 29,255 inhabitants (23,955 minds of practically all writers (the most notf^ile

Catholics, 4933 Protestants, 299 Jews). Of the ci^ht modern exception being Gwatkin, in bis " Studies of

Catholic churches and seven chapels, tha most im- Arianism", London, 1900), hchaathetmenviablerepu-

portant is the collegiate church called the Hofkirche, Uttion of being the real author of the opinions which

which was rebuilt after the fire of 1633; the two afterwards found expression in the heresy of Arius.

towers of the old Gothic building atill remain. The In his Chrislological s^tem — a compromise between

former church of the Jesuits was built in 1667-73. Hodalismand Sulmrdinationism — the Word, though

The earlier Franciscan church has one of the oldest Himself the Creator of all sul>sequent beings, was a

architectural monuments of the city in its thirteentb- creature, thouah superior to all other created tl^ga

century Gothic choir. Lucerne is the scat of the semi- by the wide gulf between Creator and creature. T&B

nary for the Diocese of Basle, with six professors. F^^ loaders in the Arian movement (Arius himself.

Besides the collegiate foundation in the city of Lu- Eusebius. the court Bishop of Nicomedia, Maris, ana

ccrne, with eleven canons and four chaplains, there Theognis) received their training under him and all

has existed since the end of the tenth century the ways venerated him as their master and the foundw

foundation of Beromilnstcr, with a provost, eighteen of their system.

canons, and ten chaplains. Of religious establish- Despit« his heterodoxy, Lucian was a man of the

ments there are at present three Capuchin houses most unexceptionable virtue (Eusebius, H. E., VIIl,

(Lucerne, Sursee, and SchUprbeim), a house of Capu- xiii, 2); at the height of the Arian controversy his

chinesses at Gerlisheim, one of Cistereianesses at fame for sanctity was not less than his reputation as

Eschenbaeh, whose abbess has the right of bearing the a scholar. During the persecution of Maximinua

crosier; the Sisterhood Of St. Martha in the hospital at Doia he was arrested at Antioch and sent to Nicome-

Luceme and the society of the Baldcgger Sisters, with dia, where he endured many tortures and, after de- ft branch house and a seminary for governesses. The . livering a long oration in defence of his faith, was

"Vat«rland", the most important Catholic newspaper finally put to death. The most enduring memorial

in Switaerland, appears at Lucerne, also the excellent of the life of Lucian, next to the Christological contro-

" Schweizerische Katbolische Kirchenzeitung". ver»^ which his teachings aroused, was hia influence

PrmBK.Otichuiiieder ShidtuTuidcf Karao<uLuteni(,2voia., on Biblical study. Receiving the literal sense alone,

Zunoh, lBSO-sl)\ Idem, UnlomiA^fotiraphiKli-itaiuiiiAei ],„ |_:j -.—.a _„ t\.„ „oj^ „f tm,t,,nl aj.r.ti,-ai.<, ami

OmMldr dci Kanlom Liutn (2 vola.. Lucerne. 1851-58); yon ™ l*",*; S'"f* °", ""^ '^^ °' ,tettual accuracy antt

BBoessER, ArcAiwucAicUa dir Sladt umJ Bepuilik Liutrn himself undertook to revise the Septuagmt on the

U vob., Lucerne, I(i5i--58): Idxu is John in tiaerniiAm original Hebrew. His edition was Widely used in the

&aa<y/,™( (Bern. iS87)i W=r„. ^^^^J^^^^.-f^^]^^ fourth centuiy (.Jerome, De Vir. III., bcxvi;;

f/nrrfcinJleiuaoB*! twdijor' ■ ' ■• ■■■ - ° '■'-• ■ '•'-■ Tr..l:„..^ .,.,«. fm= IriKl II. „1„

,, ^_nn fl.ucnmB. lOOSI: Kfjmei


Dit Stirit- -and Plarrkirdie z-u Satikl Lrndtoariia told Mavrltiti* Parahp.; Adv. Rufinum XXvl; Lpis., l(>b). He also iBHo/iu^Lmem (Lucerne, ^1008); KTmK.J.ufm ^ad dff published a recension of the New Testament. St

_f ™S T^;_i t (a;;i„.i;.._; liuiai. ii_JA jerome I Lie vir. iii., / / Kinaaaitioniot

, id OachicMt dtrkallt. Kirdti in drr Inner- the Bible, speaks of 'Libelll de Fide , .

•cAkwb, I (Lucerne, 1909); Dtr GeieliuJitifrewtd. MiUeibirvm are extant. He is also Credited with the composition

mldm and Zuj (Eiiaiedelii Bud Staia. 1843 ). °\?, ^"^l E"^? o "* a J^'^<"'.I Antiocn m Ml

Joseph Lins. (Athan., Ep. do Synod. Arim. et Seleuc. , xxm),

- , . . c ,, ,, but his authorship is doubtful: in fact it is certain be

LucianiBta. See Makcion and Mabcionites. ^^ ^^ compose it in its present form. Rufinus (H.

Lncian ot Antioch, a priest of the Church of An- E., IX, vi) has preservea a translation of his apolo-.

lioch who suffered martyrdom {7 January, 312) getic oration. There are epistles mentioned by Sui-

duriiiK the reign of Maximinua Dazo. Acoordiog to das; a fragment of one announces the death of Anthi-

a tradition preserved by Suidas (s, v.), Lucian was mus, a bishop ("ChroniDon Paschale", in P. G..

bom at Samosata, of pious parents, and was educated XCII, 689)

in the neighbouring city of Bdessa at the school (rf a Roith www-"- ■■^■"^'"- 1^ '■ : ■I"" ^f^- T"" '■ ■'■]!■ S5;

certain Macarius. Not much faith can be attached ^^F]l"^^jr;X'Dv^'^^^

to these statements, which are not corroboiated by f; j^i JSj^.^^m., Sfu dt Jftwwr awu. anmnt; La Pmsioa dt

anv other author; Suidas very probably confounded ' TJl'liilri 1' ' '■■■***^' ^r.mi,rm^,^,ie„... .-.^

the history of Lucian with thrtot hisTamoua n«i^ ■Sfl^^^ltlT^^^l^'k'^-^i^i'U^i.^^,

sake, the pagan satirist of a century enrlloif. liw aRbm of tht Fourth Cenium; BAHDEvnEWEB,

confusion is easily pardoned, however, as both ex- Srahiin (St. Louia, 1908).

hibited the same intellectual traits and the same love Patmck J. Uealt.

for cold literalism.

Early in life Lucian took up his residence at An- Lndc (m- Locids), John, Croatian historian, b. tioch, where he was ordained presbyter, and where early in the seventeenth century, at Trojir, or Tragur- he soon attained a coramandinf; position as head of ion, in Dslmatia; d. at Rome^ 11 January, 1679. He the theologirni school in that city. Though he can- was descended from an ancient and noble Croatian not be accused of having shared the uieolo^cal family. After making his college course at his birth- views of Paul of Samosata, he fell under suspicion place,hetookupthestudyoflaw,first at Padua (1620) attbetimeofPaul'scondemnationiandwas compelled and later at Rome, where he received the degree trf to sever his communion with the Church. Thia Doctor Utriumrue Juna. RetumingtoTrojir in 1633, breach with the orthodox party lasted during the he resided there until 1654, and there discovered the episcopates of three hiBbo])^, Domnus. Timeus, and nisnuacript of the "Ctena Trimalchionis", known as C^ril, whose oilministratinn estendwl from 268 to the "Traguriensis", which was afl«rwa.rds published. 303. It seems more likely that Lucian was recon- byStatilifiatPadua, IBM. At'C^'a\.t'w.\»^>as.'is»,-»-