Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/619

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HuwER. Paviine von MoZKnc^yA (Mflngt«r,.i892; 2nd ed., don as the British, Ingleboum as the English caUed it,

1002); KBT.H. Paultn€ van MaUmehnxU (Eg^d^ 1^). ^^s then a border secernent between the Welsh and

xKucHA£ia VTT. EngUsh, and on the confines of the kingdoms of Wee-

Mallory. Stephen Russell, American statesman; ff^l^AJf^^ltai^^^

. in the Island of Trinidad, W. I., 1813; d. at Pcnsal ff^^Slr^d^^nli ^wLT^^/o^SIT;. "t^*

^1- T?i^«-j« TT«:*^ a*«*J- a at^« iqtq tj« ™«- stfonghoid or castle still further defended it. The


Bar of the State of Florida in or about the year 1839. wl^^ \UhJrr.Ja<. ^* V«i«l i^ Po«f^,,^ ^

T-. 4.U-V c^*»:^»u iii7«- /iQOK_^o\ k« c>A.«r.Nri ao o ^r^iiin Wcssex. Alanelm was sent twice to Canterbury to

In the Seminole War (1835-42) he served as a volun- ^ . j g^ ^^^ ^ African, then abbot of the

teer through anany arduous campaigns. After serving „„„Lt*„ „f a«, Pot^^onA.T^if^™.^. Rfi^! theSta States

iwflnd .;S!^l3ki'l857: Tt the bi^kin'g o7t of tEwii.^t'hlril^TH^f'^^

the diva War he followed the fortunes of his o^ state, hf'^V ^JCtl^^irS^^^i}^ ™«^* t^^^l

S^»i^^^^ ^r^^n^ tV^kTthem^C^ ^rvis'Sn ^thTwS S^S, Kel^Wa,"^:

S^i^ ^1^?^S^™^ TiV^f ^^hf^ h^m fi«t Bishop of Sherborne, in Dorset, while Daniel,

teS^ „n^^K.^vi^f rt?B ^fX,^^nf^«,^ 'ao'* °f M&mesbuiy, becime Bishop of Wincheeter

???®^o2(n j Sr^i « SouOiem Confederacy ,j^ j retained 4e management of Makneebury

^.^hik ^^**nf*?S«'^r.Iv^ HpZfl'St^t^^ ^<i the monasteries of Frome^d Bradf ord-on-Av^

^.?°rS:n?^he?ot%f1he rnKSwa^t -^ich ^e h|^ J-^ded^^ Jhe ho^f^ere^^

his'g^rywasonthepointofbreakin.out.withoutany i^y^Iy w^L^'i^ffiy KnTfeTow" ^Ed!

^;Si3**'t^o^Xhit'^iw'^i^J^f?vlrof tS. Iw ward the^Confessor sanctioned a proposal if ^Bishop

™«& St?^^n^^h»^i whh IhM, ^Z Herman of Wilton to transfer his Jee toMaknesbunrj

matenal. History records the suc<^with which thw j,^ ^ j j, j q^^ opposed this, and OM

te?Jf^"*Whrthf.„^f^ n^ f^TIf^ Sarum was chosen instead. Like'mng Athelstan and

S^^^n^^nTnZi^n n^l^h^ffli^rL^R^Vlf o^cr Saxon monarchs, so did William the Conqueror,

accomp^ied Jefferson Davis m his flight from Rich- j j^ Richard II, Heiry IV, and Henry V bSfriend

mond. He then went to La Grange, Georgia, where rr, u„.,=«;r^i»*«- *:„__' **«»"/ » «w.w.«x

his family were residmg, was arrested there (20 May, ^^IrnS^/ri^^fu'*'"?^ „ . „ v^ K„ b k«^ -

1865), and was kept a prisoner for ten montli ia Fort „ Under John the place was attacked by Robert, .« 

Lafayette, on a sioaU island in New York harbour. ^"^I'.'^S If^^f ^'f.^had gained possession of Devi-

ReleLed on parole in 1866, he returned to Pensacola, ???£^^*iSt±'r^",*!'^'?^"^^^^

Florida, whe^ he practis^ilaw untU his d^th. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^f'^^t^'^r'Sf^r

Smtansa, Memom ofSermee Afioat during the War bttween the f V • i. ^ t _l i= ^Sl .

Staff (Baltimore. 1689) ; RebeUion BawntoTWashiniton, D. C.) ; enclosure, which covered forty-five acres. The town

The Freeman' t Journal (New York, Nov., 1873) files; Encycl. of Malmesbury was Walled and had f OUr gates, au DOW

NiABiog. a. v.; Avt>UUm-$Cvchp.^ American B<oirraphy,B.v. vanished. A preceptory of Knights of St. John of

iHOUAS i<. MEEHAN. Jerusalem, three churches, and one or two nunneries,

m«.ii. _ i-i 1 t /-.•!• • T> • tt t ^ mint, an important merchjuit's guild, and a large

MaUttS, a titular see of Cihm Prima, suffragan of population marked the prosperity of the place. TEe

Tarsus. According to legend, Mallus was founded by J^bbey church waa a valt ai5 noble buiialng with a

the soothwyers Ajnphilochus and Mopsus sons of ^^t^^, ^ ^^^ ^ ^^t,^ t„^^^ ^j i*^ ^^^

ApoUo. It was situated at the mouth of the Pyra- ^^ y 1,^^ ^y^^ that of Salisbury Cath^ral. Be-

miM, on a hill opposite Jlagarsus which served as its ^ygg the above-named, the abbey was connected with

I»rt. It IS to-^y the place known as Ka»Ta8h,m ^^^^^^ celebrated men: Pecthelm, firet Bishop of

the vilayet of Adana. The distnct was called from it, whithom (Galloway); Ethelhard, Bishop of Win-

Mallotis. Alexander bmlta bndge there and ex- chesterand Archbishop of Canterbury; .Elfec, Bishop

empted the town from paymg taxes It aUied Itself ^f Crediton; John ^otus ErigeA^; Faricius A

with Tarsus agamstAntiochus IV Epiphanes who j^ physician and monk, latlr A^bot of Abing-

hadpresentedbothcitiestohi8ConcubmeAntiochi8(U ^on^ Oliver or Elmer, mechanician, astronomer, and

^L,iv, 30,31). Numerous coms from Mallus have aer<;naut; an anonyi^ous Greek monk who piloted

been preserved, and those of the third century b^ vineyards here; Godfrey, and one or two anonymous

the inscnphon MaUusCoUmtn or Colonu, Melropolts ^^^ ^^j ^^t f^^^i^ ^j ^„ William Somerset.

Ma«««. ^e city is mentioned by numerous ancient knownks William of Malmesbury (d.aboutll43),who

authors, and in the Middle Agesjby Arabian, Arme- „yj„ ^f^^^ ^^^ ^ the greatest of the English m^i«^

"•^' fu *^ i** '"^ ^i.*^'!:i * Tr .^- ^•^'"' ?'s?PP<»'^ val historians. Of the aPbots who ruled the house and

jnth the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia "figures m jj^ dependency, Pilton Priory, Devonshire, in the last

the various revisals of tlie Antiochene ' Notitias Epis- ^^^ hundred yWre of ite existence, few attained any

copatuum" as suffragan of Taraus Six bishops are special celebrity. On the whole they seem to havi

^^T^/^77^?vTf J^' Pltl?! i* f^Q^ ." i ° ri^' been good administrators and great builders. One or

t"'«^. .,(^77) ; Valentine, ft Ephosus (431) and at Tar- ^wo cSme under censure from the English Benedictine

8U8(434); Chrysippus at Chalcedon (451) Le Quien 3^, ^ ^^^ f„^ ^^cir negligence in sending the

^•^"l w SwSD^^.mU^f lio?"/"^.*^? ??^" P- M*** due proportion of their junior monks to the universi-

another bishopnc^Mallusor Malus, situated m Pisidia. ties. tC monastery, which had an annual revenue of

Smitr. Dtct. of Or, and Rom, Oeogr., s. v.; Bburlier in rotvx <Rr»o ^^yr.r>^r^AJLA ;« i f;QO Kxr i*a loef oKKoi to Bi6i«.B.v.AfaMate«; Aushan. Stwovan *^3> w^. surrendered in 1539 by ite last abbot,

(Veim», 1899). 420 Bq.; Vailh^ in Echoa (T Orient, X (1907). 90. Robert Selwyn, or Frampton, and twenty-one of the

139, 363. S. Petrides. monks, who received pensions. Of the whole abbey

only five bays of the nave are standing; the cloisters,

Malmesbury, a small decayed market town in Wilt- etc., which were to the north of the church, have

shire, England, ninety-five miles west of London, for- entirely disappeared.

merly the seat of a mitred parliamentary abbey of Dugdale, MonaHioon Anglicanum rLondon. 1846); St«*

Benedictine monks. It owed its origin to Maildubh or vbns. History of the Ancient ilW)ry« (Ix)ndon, 1722); Ret»

Mfiildiilf Jin Trifih monk and t.<»nrhflp wVin «Af f 1<v^ in f V»a ^^^* Apostolatua Benedictinorum in Anglia (UoxiBi, 1626)|

wauauii, an insn monK ana leacner wno settlea m tlie moffat, HiHoru of the town of MalmesburuiTtithuTy, 1806)t

pl&ce about the middle of the seventh century, Bla- Leb in Diet. Nat. Biog. (Loqdon. 1900); Browne. SL Aldr