Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/651

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and carried in the left hand like a small bundle (tfio- nipidus).

Antiquity. — ^Without doubt the nianiple was first used at Rome. At least it was worn at Rome early in the sixth century, even though not by ail those ecclesiastics who later used it. The paUialinostima spoken of in the lives of Popes Sylvester and Zosimus, which appeared at this date in the "Liber Pontifi- calis, can be explained with most probabilitv as references to the ornamental vestment called later mapptda and manipidits. About the close of the sixth century under the name of mapjnda it was also worn by the priests and deacons of Kavenna (cf . the letters which passed- between Gregory the Great and Arch- bishop John of Ravenna). By the beginning of the ninth century the use of the maniple was almost uni- versal in Western Europe, being customar^r even at Milan which had otherwise its own peculiar rite. This is shown by the relief work on the celebrated paUioto (antependmm) in the Basilica of St. Ambrose at Milan, a fine piece of goldsmith's work of the niiddle of the ninth century. The use of the maniple in Gaul and Germany is proved by the statements of Amalar of Metz, Rabanus Maurus, Walafried Strabo, by the " Admonitio synodalis'* and bjr other writing, as well as by various miniature paintings. That it was also worn in England is evident from the elaborately worked maniple now in the Museum of Diu-ham cathe- dral which, according to the inscription embroidered on it, was made by order of Queen iEthelflaed (d. be- fore 916), wife of Edward the Elder, for Bishop Frithestan of Winchester. At Rome in the ninth century even the acolytes wore the maniple. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries the singular custom prevailed at Cluny and other monasteries that on the chief feast days all, even the lay brothers, appeared at Mass in alb and maniple; this practice, however, was forbidden in 11 00 by the Synod of Poitiers. When in the eleventh and twelfth centuries the subdiaconate developed into a higher order, the maniple became its distinctive vestment.

Nature and Mode of Wearing. — ^The maniple was originally a folded piece of cloth. It cannot be posi- tively decided when it became a plain band. Proba- bly the change did not occur everywhere at the same time. Maniples made of a fold of material existed at least as early as the beginning of the tenth century; this is proved by the maniple at Durham made for Bishop Frithestan. About the end of the first mille- niiun it was hardlj^ more than an ornamental band. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries these bands were, as a rule, very long and narrow and had laid on at the ends for ornament squares or rectangular pieces of material; after a while, however, this form of maniple went out of use. In the sixteenth century it began to be customary to broaden the ends, giving them some- thing of the form of a spade, until in the eighteenth century the shape of the ends became completely that of a spade or pocket. For the period up to the twelfth century almost nothing is known as to the material of which the maniple was made. In the later Middle Ages it was generally of silk. As early as the tenth century much importance was attached to its orna- mentation. The inventories of this time repeatedly mention costly maniples adorned with gold or silver. In the succeeding centuries even more importance was attached to the rich ornamentation of the maniple. It was enriched, so the inventories inform us, with embroidery, small ornaments of precious metals, pre- cious stones, and pearls. Maniples of this period with costly embroidery are to be found in the cathedral of Sens, in the convent of the Sisters of Notre-Dame at Namur, at Pontigny, in the cathedral of Bayeux, in the Museum of Industrial Art at Berlin^ etc. A favour- ite way to finish the ends was with fnnge, tassels, or little bells. The maniple had generally no crosses at (Ae ends or in the midfUe, Originally it was held in the

left hand; from the eleventh century, however, it be- came customary to carrv it on the lower part of the left arm and the usage has remained the same up to the present day. Even in medieval times it was sel- dom worn except at Mass. The ceremony of giving the maniple to the subdeacon at ordination developed in the tenth to the eleventh century, but it was not until the thirteenth century that the custom became universal.

Symbolism, — In the Middle Ages the maniple re- ceived various S3m:ibolical interpretations. At a later period it was conunon to connect this vestment with the bonds which held the hands of the Saviour. In the prayer offered by the priest when putting on the maniple are s>inbolized the cares and sorrows of ihia earthly life which should be borne with patience in view of the heavenly reward.

Epigonation. — In the Greek Rite the vestment that corresponds to the maniple is the epigonation. It is a square piece of material often embroidered with a sword and intended as an ornament; it is himg at the right side on the cincture and falls to the knee. The epigonation does not belong to all the clergy but onlv to the bishop. Originally also an ornamental hand- kerchief and called at that date encheirion (iyxt^iop) it received its present form in the twelfth century.

SuBciNCTORiUM. — Very similar to the maniple in form and nature is the subcinctorium, an ornamental vestment reserved to the pope. It is worn on the cincture; on one end is embroidered a small Agnus Dei and on the other a cross. The pope wears it only at a solemn pontifical Mass. The subcinctorium is mentioned under the name of balteus as early as the end of the tenth centurv in a " Sacramentarium " of this date preserved in the BibIioth6que Nationale at Paris (f. lat. 12052). It is mentioned imder the name mcecinclorium about 1030 in what is known as the "Missa Illyrica". Later it was generally called sub- cinctorium. In the Middle Ages it was worn not only by the pope but also by bishops, and even in a few places by priests. However, it gradually ceased to be a customary vestment of bishops and priests, and in the sixteenth century only the popes ana the bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Milan wore it. The orig- inal object of the subcinctorium was, as St. Thomas explicitly says, to secure the stole to the cincture. But as early as about the close of the thirteenth century, it was merely an ornamental vestment. According to the inventories, even in the eleventh century much thought was given to its ornamentation. Most prob- ably the subcinctorium was first used in France, whence the custom may possibly have spread to Italy about the close of the first millennium.

Bock, Oeachichte der liturgitchen Gew&nder, II (Bonn, 1866); Duchesne, Originea du cuUe chrHxen (Paris, 1903); Rohaui/t DB Fleury, La mesae, yil (Paris, 18i88): Wilpert, Die Oe- wandtmg der ChriMen in den erslen Jahr. (Cologne, 1808); Thurston, The VeMmerUs of Low Mass in The Month (Sept., Oct., Nov^ Dec., 1898); Kleinschmidt, Die prienterl. GewUnder in Limer Quartalachrift, LII (Linz. 1899); Braun, Die prietUT' lichen GetoAnder dee Abendlandee (Freibui^g, 1897): Idem, Di€ liturgiache Gewandung im Occident und Orient (Freibuig, 1907).

Joseph Braun.

Manitoba, one of the smallest, but economically and historically one of the most important, of the Canadian provinces. Its name is derived from two Sauteux words meaning "Manitou Narrows", firet applied to the lake of the same name which lies within the present boundaries of that commonwealth. These are: 52° 50" N. lat; 95° W. long.; 101° 20' W. long, and in the south, the American Stat^ of North Dakota and Minnesota. From its square and relatively small area, it is sometimes jocularly called the postage-stamp province; yet it is not less than 74,(X)0 square znilw m extent, or only 8782 less than England and Scot- land combined. Physically it is remarkable for its level plains and the fine, shallow sheets of water it contains: Lake Winnipeg, 270 miles long, wiU) ao