Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 9.djvu/844

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Masonic fedention ui to be judged not eo much by the acts and things it baa accompliabed, aa by the whole of

its principles and purposes.

The Free, "


the 1.. ■

R.Fii (...' 1^1. -■ . I' N iinirl 18(W,l,.i.>i>f. lll^imHripiilMiuu

Iste ALEtuT Pike. Gnod Comm

Council (CbarloalQD. South Cninliiu. ed^vd IB the (imtcflt authority id nil Miui !□£ to NoRTOH "'tbo world- renow ITS) ii EeDDTBliv admilleil aa tl

the OiTind Orator RoBEOT (Indian Tamtoi^") he '■

i. I. 25).


MoraU and Dot

_r Muanty la ki

. -J the Ncic Age. M-»-

» tbe foremom flgure in the Fnw

(1901). II. 458). "the gr«l. ^ ■'."thoPfophetofFj

.Ceatur, , .„

'luJ /(Of (IBIO, 1, H). "»« 

Tre rflvu«d and apiiiluiklit ^

■ logma, curTBnllv quolHd by ui, ia highly

by tbfi cflebnitcd Umnnii: scbabu^ Tcupi-E (BruMcli) and _ .V, ... . . .u. 1 . i^..... — ,-. .: Lodp,

SrBTH. tba late necretary „. .....

at Londoa (CAr.. 188S, I. 339). actordina to the BalUlin d/ i (1H83, 211) wen "true coda I

«U the Supreme Counciln of tl Ooundb of En ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Wisdom". The well-

kept la leadinc irtrinAH

1898. 215). The call* Pilw: "T Findel, the Oei

of the Wh Desrea" (SauAUIe, ISOl. 12S>.

Mawmic PublioalioDS. Encyclopedias: MicitBY, (1) Encn- deprdMa/^r«Tna»riTV(LaDdon, 1908) .even this recent edi^OD. Hcordins to American authorities, is thorDUBhlysoliqualAJ and scarcely an improvement on (hat of 18«0: foEii. l2)Liiiam of Freemaaonrv (LimdoD. 1SH4): OuiER. Ditl. ol Sumbolic Fttf nitwniv (London. IS63): Nackehme, rAfffctralMoKmic Cud. <18TS-f): WoooroRD, K(nn>iw'>CV. (1S7S): Lenhihq. £>■- Old. dtr Preimaurerti (1822-1828); InEii *nd Henne *u Rhtn. AUecmtina Handbvrh dtr Ft., 2Dd ed. (1863-79); Pia- cer.K, Alia. Handb.d. Ft.. MA fA-ilMO); theseeditioos contain vaiuaUe information and answer scientific requiremeDU fsr more than all the other Musonic cyelopediae (A. Q. C. XI, St); aiEVENB, Cuclopfdu of FrottniUiei (New York. IMT).

Masonic Isw and Jurisprudence: Tht Cmilitiaimi of Us Frermattm; 17MS. 1738: Nma C«tu(iluttiHir)i BikA, etc. < 1741); pK La TiKItcI, Hiiloirr. Obligalioni, H SUUuli, etc. <FrBnkfort. i7i2): QuyiK, MatoBie Jurujirvdcim {1S59, 1S74): Chabi, Dtgetl of Matonic Lav (ISeai: Milckkt, Tat Book of Union. JurupridmctHSSB)-. vjm Ohoddxck. ete., VtriueA einrr Dai- itcUuno da fotilivm tnntm Frdmaurtr. Rtthlx (1S7T), the beat

"hiSo'Ic^: Andebboh, Hi**. D/Frmnasmrv' in the fimt edi- tions Bud tiannlationa of the Boot of Contitalioni (most unre- liable, even after 1717); Preston. IlluHralioTu of Maionry (17721. ed.OuvEB (lasfii, IhouBh not reliable in some historical

(isss). I iiiF-ii-.. ' ■. .. .- r

Thf Obnui und t^rrrmitaonrv. ocrorrtirii Umi andaaniniit iSe« Yaik, IfiliO]; vtdualmBndBoeekdrrFrar-

yrwmaKmry (ISSl-I; 1906),

1U9: l&Buentu] in apreuUnc more

■monc Uasona; Qodld. Hit. of Frurmawnrv (» vols., 1883- 1887), now nput«d the best histoiinal work on Froemnsonry; -— ODB Chawlet. CamrMario HtbrmiiM (1895-1000): «. Origin of Iht^ntjMHile^ofFremmtryhSliih Tkt

flS23);TSiSlarin Ihr BaM 1 1327): Signt and Synl iaS7):Pm.(l)MamltaHdi>0fmaBfcheA.A.Scoi... . ._, MaaiiaH2)^lDtM.(2)T/teBookafUuiWordtSeas(l»7S)jlBBi. a'lJhe PotA and Uu MiddU Choicer. B«ok of At Lodft fesi


(l87a);lDUi«,l4 ,--.

dnti dJMm Kumlurkunden dtr Frmra

esteemed, in spite of faiatoriea] enon, as a aritieal ^ipnniatiiiB of Frcemuooiy; Fihdcl (beat Gennaa authority). OtiM md

"im *T Fr. (1874, 1809); I ""'- "- -■- "- ■-

<tterbAcn(l8g2); Idsh, Di*

I. Die OmndMtie der Fr. m

\4 WdUmntluiu.x

1891) and SionaU (1895-1905). Anti-masonic publication!: Fmm 1T23-174.1. EunlLib Fm- oaaoniy and AHnENSON, Hiwtory, wen derided in mMiy pab> bcatioog (GoDLD, 2, 294, 327); acauut Freoeh Freemasoon appeared: VOrdrtdiiFrHnuuonHtahinsa lA..Q,C..lX..tSl aad Le SrcrU da itopta r^rlli (1745); Sc«u nmpu (1745); on the oceaalon of the French Revolution; LEimuic, Lt nit Um (1792). In the United Sutes the sati-MaKmic nuvoncet l>egBnl783: Creior, Hojonnr and Jnfimasmrv (1854): Snin, LiUtrion MoKmni and AntimoKnrii (18.12); FirHUH. Dim/att of MoKnru (IKIK): Vfiialogui of anH-Maimie Ivoiu (Bwten, INAl'): .■i^A. .• ubcr tiiktitnc QaOlichttfloi Mid Fnnni Frrurordm tn Hriner iroAriri Bidndiat

, lo. Dii Frmrei and dai aane. PfaTraml

lS54-Se); CivOHi CaUelitaADtx ISW; Neoro) - "' '

(1901), trHces the ]


< dtUa rivoltuione liloJuM 0900-01); Ehicua. £a ■«■

_.. rork of lUlian Mssaniv from La Front-moLfonneri* H la Rtwit%- .... .... . ,_ ..,., (jj^ ^

work ol

icA (2iid ed., 1879. IV. 138)

lI ol the Older", and T, O.

of Masonry: " the uncrowned king

(UR (1872): Jahet. Lti toeinit

1B80-S3). best naeral survey

.„~. .^..i^i— ■„ .11 ~,..„.rioi: BBDWEia, LAction dt Im ■ (1392): Lehoube. La Fnmc-m.

' BiLHm.u.IjiFrane-m.

_ .1(1899); NocRRUSOK,

(1900); luEH. La Jacohinm ou poinvir

, ^1 Grand Oritnt dt Frana (1906); Nut.

utnuc du ffrand jo-ur dr la publicUf (18M). contains

(189i,. __ _. _

(19041; Biu. to,"


usble <

.. La Maronnirie Bclgt (IBoS). documents on the most political activity of Belgian Masoniy; de La Fcertc

_ J. i_. t..__j_j , ,.■ F Etpata.

HAS. to atasoneria rn BifK^^flSOi-At:

<mThTv< , ... ___

'irAeif der i^rwirn (1884): GrT- Ordnrnit (1893): Idem, (5) fini


etc. (1870-71:

(1S81): Tim _

DE Rafael. La Maaoni. ._ , ,_. ,. ,

LKR, Der itillf KrivBiemTli-nmundAUa Raich). Dit inncrc VnuKilirfiat der Frmri DieFTmrriu ' - - " ■

( 1 899 1 "id Ml. "mFmieiundUmH uri5TO«jw>«r'(i5o lY: Sfm/nS durdl da> Rridi drr Frmrri (1897): EwALD, Ltvt und Kldlur- jlamp/(lS99); OesEO.Drr Hamnrrd. fmm. etc. (1876): W.B., Sei^raga lur OarJiKhte drr F. in Ocitrrreiili (18^); Die Frmra inOrMfrrric/iUnaam nS97). IaPaliiod:Mi -■ ■

~ " PDln.Eri.4' ' "~ "

„ . „!■-- (T.f "

  • .(1876);1

W); DieF




1908): for Anslo-Suan i

.... , , A Stadv in American Fn

.—DfiTv (St. Louis. 1908), ■ careful discussion on the basis the standard works of Hackey and Pike.

Hermann Gboser.

Boo«, Ofdi. der Frtimaw^rn (1806); Haicall, Rut. ofFm vuuonry llSai): Bariv Hiil.andTTantacliantafMatoneof.Vea York (1878); McTlekachah, Hit. of Iht Fral. in Keic York (1888-94); Hobs Robe«t»o«, ff £i*. o/ Fr«™oimifv in CnMdo hS90): Dnvimona. Hitl. and Bibluer. Memoranda and HiM. of

(^jotn, //iV. (18M*): TiWKT.Aninh'.'ely.'.thi'a'r'i'^'fol^'-nlilr


Spiril (1822,

1723 and 1738: Hdtc

Spirit of FreematonrTi (1775); 'Cavtv.SyMem of Spec. Mat

Olivsk, ilnJtfuttiM of Freematonrji

. . -Name of several plaoes in the Bible. The

Septuagint transcribes Katipi, Hoirffir^, Hafm^r; Vulg.: Afaspka and Masphath {once Mtuphe, Mam- pha, Mesphe); Hebrew: Alifpeh and Mi^paA; the latter almost invariably in pause. The word, with many other proper names, is derived from \/^PH = watch, observe, and means "watch-tower" {spwtijum, ffnvJa), which sense it bears twice in the Bible (Is., xii, 8; II Par., XK, 24^. Joaephus interprets by rare- wTiv^rBior (Antt.VI,ii, I). It tsthus a natural name for a town in a commanding position (ef. the Crusad- ing Belvoir, and el-Mi^hr(feh (Palmer, Desert of the Exodus, II, 513). Like the latter it almost invariably has the article.

Mabpha op Galaad. — Hiatory. — Jacob to ratify his compact with Laban, " took a stone and set it up for a title, and he said to his brethren 'Bring hither stones'. And they, gathering stones together, made a heap and they ate upon it (or&yitR.V.). Andl^ban said. 'This heap (Kal) shall be a witness ('M) between me and thee this dav, and therefore the name thereof was called Galaad (gal'ed) and Mf^^pah (so R. V.with Hebrew) for he said 'The I^ord watch (ye^et VpFH) between me and thee when we are absent one from an- another'" (Gen. XXXI, 45 ff.). Here the Vulgate omits Adm-Mffpo*. ^^ Septuagint translates * ifitra, Targtims of OnkeloaandSiire, SekOthA, i. e. view. The