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books used in preparing the work.

by kuy Tung (E fl; styled It had been growing up in his family for three generations, until be revised the labours of his ‘ father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, added to them his own researches, and published it in 1,768. The reader of Too Yu will get considerable help from it. '

[x.] g IEfi, ‘ The Language of the Ch‘un Ts‘éw Determined and Regulated.’ In 13 Books; by Chwang Ts‘un-yu (fifi $1). a scholar of the K‘éen-lun g period. The Work is for the most part an examination of the Classic according to the views and nomenclature of Kung—yang and Ho Héw.

[xi] % H E 1% ii fl, ‘Supplementary Explanations of the Ch‘un Ts‘ew and Tso Chuen.’ In 5 Books; by 'l‘séaou Seun (E fi: styled E i and g i). The writer's principal object was to sup- plement K‘ung Ying—tuh’s Explanations of Too Yu’s comments on Tso.

[xii.] g IX 2E if, ‘Supplementary Comments on the Ch‘un Ts‘éw and 'l‘so Chuen.’ In 3 Books; by Ma Tsung-léen CE % fix Intended as a supplement to the Work with the same title by kuy Tung, noticed above.

[xiii] (A 33 {HI R if; M, ‘On the Laws of Ho Héw in explain- ing the Commentary of Knng-yang.’ In 10 Books; by Léw F ung- luh (agfi; styled 5F i), a scholar of the Kéa-k‘iiig period. A Work similar in design to No.x.

[xiv.] (A 533E %, ‘Glosses on Ho Héw’s Explana- tions of Knng-yang.’ In 1 Book; also by L'éw Fung—luh.

[xv.–xviii.] 1a ssaaaaae stresses; fig E E These are four Works by the same author. I have not translated the titles because they refer to controversies in the Han dynasty between Ho Héw and Ch‘ing K‘ang-shing. The writer’s object is to maintain the authority of Kung—yang and even of Kuh-léang against Tso-she.

[xix.] g, ‘Glosses on the different readings in the text of the Ch‘un Ts‘éw.’ In 13 Books; by Chaou T‘an ($113,). a scholar of the Kéa-k‘ing period.

[xx.] (A EYE. E a, ‘ Remarks on the rules of ceremony insisted on by Kung-yang.’ In 1 Book; by Ling Shoo (g Hg); of the same period. He was a believer in Kung—yang.

[xxi.] fl Eva, ‘ Recollections of Lessons on the meaning of the Classics.’ In 10 Books, three of which are occupied with the Ch‘un Ts‘éw. By Wang Yin-Che, whose ‘Recollections of Lessons in the She’ are noticed in the proleg. to vol. 1V., p. .178.

