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"'Sufficient unto the day,'" said Tom.

He looked at the flushed, pouting, half angry Eudora, a slow smile breaking up the solemnity of his face. It was like a caress to ease the hurt of necessary chastisement.

"It'll be some noble cookin' you'll do!" Eudora scoffed, but nothing in her way of saying it rough enough to take off any skin. She gave Tom a sidelong, humorous look, her mouth pursed in a little pout that was nothing more than the puckering string around a laugh.

"Noble's the word," he said cheerfully.

"I'll bet you could knock a mule down with one of your biscuits."

"Strong meat for strong men," said he.

"But you boys haven't got any supplies, Tom," Mrs. Ellison protested.

"I'll be going to town to-morrow morning, very early, to send a telegram to that gentleman who is to buy our goods," Tom told her. "I'll carry out certain food——"

"Food!" Eudora repeated, the humor of the situation further provoked by that unusual word.

"Chuck, perhaps, would be a better word," Tom amended, making a pretense of bowing gravely to her superior knowledge.

"Much better," said she.

"I'll bring out enough chuck to hold us nicely till we make the first trip with the wagons. After that we'll be in the hunky dory."

"In the what?" Eudora asked, suppressing an outburst with difficulty.

"Just so," said Tom, with the equanimity of one who knew his buttons.