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speak tweak weak, beal deal heal meal neal peal seal steal veal zeal, beam cream dream fleam gleam ream scream seam steam stream team, bean clean lean glean mean sean wean, beast east feast least, beat bleat treat, cheap heap leap neap reap, blear clear dear drear car fear hear near rear shear sear smear spear tear year, cleave heave leave reave weave, flea lea pea plea sea tea, leaf neaf sheaf.

XXIII. The Two Frogs.

On a hot dry time of the Year, when the Lakes and Ponds were dried up, an old and young Frog went in search of some Drink to quench their Thirst. At last they came to a deep Well, and sat on the brink of it. "Sir, said the young Frog to the old one, I have a great Mind to leap into it. See how clear the Spring is: We may drink of it at our ease. All this may be