Page:Chinese Fables and Folk Stories.djvu/111

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about the fish. Soon he asked that he might go out to drink. Then he went to the pond and took off his clothes, but the gardener saw him and asked, "What are you doing, boy? This is school-time."

"I want to be a fish," said Tsing-Ching.

The gardener thought he wanted to catch the fish and said, "The fish are for your eyes and not for your hands. Do not disturb them."

Tsing-Ching sat down and waited until the gardener went away. Then he stepped into the water and talked to the fish.

"I am going to be one of you now," he said. "Come to me and show me how to swim with you." But they all hurried away.

For half an hour he splashed in the shallow water, trying to swim, until the teacher thought, "Where is Tsing-Ching?" and sent a boy to see. He found him in the pond and asked him to come into the schoolroom, saying the teacher would punish him if he did not.

"No," said Tsing-Ching, "I shall be a fish; I told the teacher I was going to be a fish." And so the boy went back and told the teacher, who hardly knew what to think.

Finally he went out with a stick and asked, "Tsing-Ching, what are you doing here? Do you know this is school-time? Do you know that you were allowed only