Page:Chinese Fables and Folk Stories.djvu/177

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"It is not the place where I ought to be," answered Kong-Hwa. "I have tried many things here and in all the thirteen years have not had success. No one will have me for a bookkeeper. I tried to be a merchandise agent, and in two months I was discharged. I then worked in a bank for forty days, when they paid my salary and told me to go. To-morrow I need money to pay my rent, three months due; but I have no money. I order clothes, and they say, 'No money, no clothes.' I ask friends to lend me some, and they do not even answer me.

"I see now I have been very foolish. I have been here thirteen years and I try to have a good time. I drink, I smoke, I dance, I go to theaters and halls every night—every night. I spend all of my money when I have work. Now I have no work; all my friends have left me; they will not trust me for a piece of silver. I have been very bad. I was a bad boy at home. My mother was good and gave me many lessons which I would not learn.

"Because my mother was so good, I have no excuse for my miserable condition now. I must go home and show her I am sorry at last. I know now that in all the world there is no friend like a mother.

"I will write to her to-morrow and say in my letter, 'Mu-Ts'ing, I am going to leave the opium, theater,