Page:Chinese Life in the Tibetan Foothills.djvu/164

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Wen Ch'ang hui, the festival of the god of literature, who is now one of the patron idols of the secret society, owing to the Confucius Society being gradually amalgamated with the larger Society. This is held on the 2nd of the 2nd moon.

Kuan yin hui, the birthday of the Goddess of Mercy, held on the 19th of the 2nd moon.

Hua shin hui, the birthday of the god of flowers, who is said to be Wu Tsê-t'ien (武則天) of the T'ang dynasty. The date is the 2nd of the 2nd moon.

Lao chün hui, the birthday of the founder of the Taoist sect, who is said to have been born at the Ch'ing yang kung near Ch'engtu, where a great annual fair is held in honour of his birthday on the 15th of the 2nd moon. This is perhaps the most famous fair in the province, large numbers of people go to worship at the shrine of the Sage and also at that of his mother, which is next door, and at the shrine of the celestial Chang san fêng of the Ming dynasty. Li lao chün is made more famous by being reputed to be the ancestor of Li Ping of irrigation fame.

San p'o hui (三婆會), the Goddess of Mercy festival. This is san hsiao (三霄) or the Sung tzŭ Kuan Yin; this birthday falls on the 3rd of the 3rd moon.

T'ung tzŭ hui, the baby festival. This is often held on the same day as the last-named feast; the custom of ch'iang (搶) t'ung tzŭ, scrambling for small images, is still carried out with great gusto.

Fo tsu hui (佛祖會), the birthday of Buddha, held on the 8th of the 4th moon.

Lü tsu hui, the birthday of one of the celestials, the god of the sorcerer, those who manage the magic pen.

Tung huang hui, the birthday of Yo Fei, who became the god of the eastern peak. This is a Taoist festival and is held on the 28th of the 3rd moon.

Tan tao (單刀) hui, the birthday of Kuan ti, ancestor of the Secret Society; being a native of Shansi the people toward the north make much of this festival.