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\relative d' { \time 4/4 \partial 4
  d4 | b'2 a | g2. fis4 | e e e e | e^>( d) \bar ".." }
\addlyrics { In -- cline Thine ear, in -- cline Thine ear to me. }
I ncl I nth I n E r I incl I nth I n E r t O me E

Notwithstanding the remark about the rolling of "r's," where a word ends with an "r" immediately followed by a word commencing with a vowel, the "r" must be clearly rolled—clear of the following vowel,—and a special little "attack" made on the following vowel.

Incline Thine ear-r, incline Thine ear to me.


Incline Thine earincline.

Glory be to the Father..r, And to the Son.


Glory be to the Fatherand to the Son.

Care must also be taken in the pronunciation of such words as fire: "FI′re," not "fyer." Also when one word ends with a letter that the v next commences with, special pains must be taken to pronounce both.

The people that trust in Thee,

Often sounds

The people tha' trust in Thee.

"R's" may be rolled at the commencement of a word, seldom at the end.