Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese Vol II. - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/192

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Hikayat Nabi meuchukō.Nabi meuchukō or cheumukō (LXVI).

This edifying story is, according to its compiler, composed after a Malay original. It relates how once on a time Muhammad was shaven by Gabriel and received from that archangel a cap made of a leaf of one of the trees of paradise, and how the buliadari (celestial nymphs) almost fought with one another for the hairs, so that not one reached the ground. There are various different versions of this shaving story in Malay, Javanese and Sundanese. It is customary to have them recited by way of sacred reading on the occasion of various occurrences in domestic life, especially when they entail watching at night.

Hikayat mèʾreuët.Mèʾreuët (LXVII).

The Achehnese version of the sacred tradition of Muhammad's nocturnal journey to heaven (Arab. miʿrāj, pronounced in Ach. mèʿreuët) is probably derived from a Malay compilation from an Arabic original, so far at least as the subject is concerned. The style, however, of all these hikayats is purely Achehnese.

Hikayat Printaïh Salam.Printaïh Salam (LXVII).

Tales in which the Prophet enlarges upon the duties of the wife towards her husband are very numerous in popular Native literature. The best known is that in which Muhammad instructs his own daughter Fatimah[1]. There are also, however, numerous copies of a story in which the Prophet at the request of a woman named Islam, Salam or Salamah, sets forth all that a woman has to do or refrain from in respect to her husband and the recompense that awaits her in the hereafter for the practice of wifely virtues[2].

In copies of the Achehnese version of this work we find before the

  1. Compare Tambih 8 of the Tambih tujōh blaïh (N° LXXXV below) in which appears an Achehnese version of that story. A Turkish version of the "Admonition of the Apostle of God to Fatimah" is mentioned in the Zeitschrift der deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft LI: 38.
  2. In addition to the Malay copies mentioned by Dr. Van der Tuuk (in Essays relating to Indo-China, 2d series, II, p. 32–33), I know of two in particular which are to be found in the Hofbibliothek at Berlin under the numbers Schumann V, 24 and 44, which bear the title of (Symbol missingArabic characters) in place of the previous one (Symbol missingArabic characters) which occur in other versions. The Malay text is printed as an appendix to an edition (apparently lithographed at Bombay) of the Malay rendering of as-Shaʿrāni's al-Yawaqīt wal-jawāhir by Muhammad Ali of Sumbawa, written by him at Mekka in 1243 Heg. The woman is therein called (Symbol missingArabic characters).