Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese Vol II. - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/47

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chapter, adding the requisite explanations, and then makes the pupil read the text and repeat or write out the commentary; or else the disciples sit in a circle round the master, who recites both text and commentary like a professor lecturing his class, allowing each, either during or after the lesson, to ask any questions he wishes.

Sorogan and bandungan.In Java the first of these two systems is called sorogan and the second bandungan. In Acheh the former method is usually followed by the reading of one of the Malay manuals mentioned above under the supervision of the gampōng teacher or of the teungku rangkang, the bandungan method alone being used for the study of the Arabic books. The Achehnese have no special names for these methods of instruction [1].

Uncleanliness of the students.Besides the system of teaching, the Achehnese rangkangs have in common with the Javanese pondoks an uncleanliness which is proverbial—indeed the former surpass the latter in this respect. One might suppose that in such religious colonies, where the laws of ritual purification are much more strictly ohserved than elsewhere, we should find an unusually high degree of personal cleanliness. Experience however shows that a man who limits himself to the minimum requirements of the law in this respect can remain extremely dirty without being accused of neglect of his religious duties. Nor do the laws of purification extend to clothing. The mere ritual washing of the body (often limited to certain parts only, since the complete bath is seldom obligatory, especially where there is no intercourse with women) is of little service, as the clothes are seldom washed or changed and the rooms in which the students live rarely if ever cleaned out.

Such advantage over ordinary gampōng folk as the muribs may possess in regard to cleanliness through their stricter observance of religious law, they lose through their bachelorhood, since they have to manage their own cooking, washing etc.

In Java there are to be found in many pěsantrèns written directions regulating the sweeping out of the huts, the keeping of watch at night, the filling of the water-reservoirs etc., and fines are levied on those who omit their turn of service or enter pondok or chapel with dirty

  1. The bandungan method is thus described: 'Teungku kheun, geutanyòë simaʾ = "the master speaks and we hearken." Simaʾ is the Arabic (Symbol missingArabic characters), and is also used in Malay and Javanese in the sense of "hearkening" to teaching by word of mouth, or to the hearing by the guru of his pupils' reading or recitation.