Page:Christian Astrology (Lilly, 1659).djvu/66

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Figure as formerly directed; nor let it trouble you, if you find sometimes two signs in one house, or almost three, or sometimes one sign to be on the Cusps of three houses, ever place your Planets orderly as neer the degree of the house, as the number of degrees your Planet is in will permit.

You must ever remember that if your hour of the day be in the morning, or as we say Ante Meridiem, or before noon, you must reckon the time, as from the noon of the day preceding: As for example.

I would erect a Figure the 26. day of January 1646. being Monday, for 9. of the clock and 45 min. before noon.

My time stands thus: 9 ho. 45 min.

To this I adde 12 hours, because it is properly in our account, the 21 hour and 45 minutes after noon of the Sunday preceding: so then you may say thus; the Figure is set for 9. hours and 45 minutes Ante Meridiem, or before noon of the Monday.

Or else 25 of January, being Sunday, 21 hours and 45 min. Post Meridiem, or after noon, which is all one with the former time.

I find the Sun at noon the same 26 day, to be in 16 degr. and 59 min. of Aquarius; I look in the Table of Houses what hours and min. correspond to the 17 degrees of Aquarius in the tenth house; in the eleventh page I find Sun Aquarius, and along in the column of the tenth 17 degr. 0 min. on the left hand I find over against them, 31 hours 18 min. to these I add the hours and min.

of the

day, viz. 21.45; added together, they make 43h 03m.

from which in regard they are more then 24 hours,

I subtract 24.

43 03


Rests 19 03

With my 12 hours and a min. Ienter the Table of Houses, and under the title of hours and minutes, or Time from noon, I seek my number, In the tenth page I find 19 hours and 1 min. which is the next number unto my desire, over against it I see 14.0, and in the upper part of Capricorn and tenth house, signifying the 14 degr. of the Sign Capricorn is to be placed on the Cusp of the An Introduction To Astrolog