Page:Clement Fezandié - Through the Earth.djvu/219

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"Four hundred pounds! Just to think of it! I should be such a heavy, lead-like mass I could not stand upright, and would have the greatest difficulty even to drag myself around. I could scarcely move my hands or feet. Truly, I am in a veritable fairyland, and everything turns out just the opposite of what I expect. I would have sworn, this morning, that when the car started I should have my usual weight, and when it reached the center of the earth I should float around like a feather, without any weight. How has it turned out! Just the reverse! At the start I floated around like a feather, while at the center, far from floating around, I shall be an inert, lead-like lump, so heavy I can hardly move myself about! Surely, wonders will never cease!"