Page:Clement Fezandié - Through the Earth.djvu/251

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When the danger was over William turned to his companion.

"Excuse me," said he, "but I really don't know whether I am awake or dreaming. The events that have passed are so unnatural that I feel somewhat like Rip Van Winkle, and should not be surprised to learn that what have seemed to me to be minutes have really been years. Can you tell me, first, what time it is?"

"It is nearly midnight," replied the man.

"Midnight!" repeated our hero, astounded. "Why, it seems to me barely an hour since I started this morning." Then a new idea struck him. "What day is it, may I ask?"

"January the 5th," replied the man.

"January the 5th!" exclaimed William, aghast. "Why, then I have been gone a whole year! I started on January 6!"

But his fears were now thoroughly aroused.

"In what year are we?" he demanded eagerly.

"Why, 1993, of course," replied the man, gazing at him in astonishment. "It seems a strange question to ask."

"January 5, 1993!" repeated William. "Come, you are joking with me. At midnight on January 5, 1993, I was sleeping on one of the benches in