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ness of one of the ladders, the breaking down of others, and the fierceness of the defence. But the attack on the breach and the escalade on the left proved successful. To quote from Sir Hugh Rose's own notes: 'The left attack, ably and gallantly conducted by Brigadier Stuart, succeeded perfectly; its right column passing without loss or difficulty through the breach. The escalade on the left of the breach was, at the same time, gallantly led by Lieutenant (now Major-General) Webber, R.E., a first-rate officer, and the capture of the Rocket Bastion was effected after an obstinate resistance. It was only finally taken after a severe struggle inside the bastion. Colonel Louth, commanding Her Majesty's 86th Regiment, acted with

    On the General's application, the vacancy was filled according to the dead man's wish. Lieutenant Dick, some days before the assault, had committed an error of judgment in screening, with the best intentions, a sergeant of Sappers, who had been looting in spite of the General's most positive orders. Such an example was so fatal to discipline that Lieutenant Dick rendered himself liable to a Court Martial. Sir Hugh Rose sent for the young officer and told him of the penalty he had incurred, adding: 'But I have heard of your high promise and good qualities, and I cannot subject you to a punishment which would be ruinous to your career, and deprive you of the honour of the assault. I therefore pardon you and I know you will do your duty to-morrow.' On putting his foot on the step of the scaling-ladder Lieutenant Dick said to a brother-officer, 'I never can be sufficiently obliged to Sir Hugh Rose: tell him how I have done my duty.' He ran up the ladder, received several shots, and fell mortally wounded to the ground. Sir Hugh Rose had also to deplore the death of Colonel Turnbull, commanding the Artillery, who had given remarkable proof of ability and intrepidity throughout the campaign, and who now fell mortally wounded by a shot from one of the rebel lascars.