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of strengthening their position. This they did by defending it with three strong ramparts, mounted with about 130 guns and mortars, besides erecting bastions, barricades and loop-holed walls to command the streets. The first line of defence consisted of a battery of heavy guns and other formidable works; the second of bastioned ramparts and parapets, while the third or inner line covered the front of the Kaisar Bágh. Fortunately the rebel garrison neglected to provide for the defence of the northern side of the position, and of this neglect Sir Colin Campbell took full advantage when he finally captured the city.

In a letter to Sir Hugh Rose, dated Cawnpur, Feb. 28th, 1858, after congratulating him on the success that had attended his operations in Central India, the Commander-in-Chief said: — 'I have been detained here, by desire of the Governor-General, very much longer than was convenient with reference to the service we are about to commence, to enable Jang Bahádur to join and take part in the siege of Lucknow... My siege train will be collected by to-morrow at Bantira, about six miles from Alambágh, my own troops will be assembled in that neighbourhood on the 1st proximo, and if Brigadier Franks should make his appearance about the 4th, I hope to begin to break ground the same night or following day. The place has been greatly strengthened since I was there in November, but I hope to reduce it speedily; for the weather is getting hot, and the heat will destroy and