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This short volume is the first issued of a series that is intended to give a systematic account of the Coleopterous Fauna of British India.

The present work on the Longhorn Beetles of India was undertaken some years ago by Mr. C. J. Gahan, whose unique knowledge of the group is well known. From a variety of causes, but chiefly want of leisure, the Author has been unable until now to complete a sufficient portion of the MS. to allow of the publication of even an instalment. This issue, therefore, is only Part I. of the contemplated volume, and deals solely with the forms arranged under the family Cerambycidæ, which according to the latest classification includes the Prionidæ. A considerable portion of Part II., which will give an account of the Lamiidæ, is already in manuscript; it is therefore confidently expected that the completion of the whole work will not be unduly delayed.

Other volumes on the Coleoptera of India are in active preparation, and it is intended to include a General Introduction to the Order with one of these volumes. In the